BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

Congratulations on the decision @ZukAndSowash ! I hope that your S will be happy and fulfilled in his home for the next four years! Looking forward to reading your story.

Thanks for the good wishes everyone!

@ZukAndSowash thanks for the update, and best wishes to your son. Are you able/willing to share where he’s going?

Okay, a little teary here - my S committed to Cap21 night before last. He had some other great offers, but I think in our heart of hearts, we all knew he was going to Molloy from the moment he first met Rebecca at a college fair. I think that if they would just plant some trees on that campus the decision would have been even faster - visiting and seeing how stark a campus it is gave a moment of pause. But the enthusiasm of everyone we met there; the absolute love that every single student expressed for the school and the program spoke volumes. I’m really happy for him and excited to get to know this community better and watch them all thrive :smile: I’m sure we’ll have a ton more questions now that the decision is made. What an incredible and at times overwhelming process this has been. To those who are still waiting and deciding, may clarity come soon.

OMG, @tatteredandfriendly - congratulations, and welcome to the Molloy/CAP21 family! BTW, there used to be trees years ago when I was a kid (my home town is 20 minutes from RVC), back when the only things on campus were nuns and nursing students. The construction of the awesome facilities you see today (including the Madison Theater and the brand-new dorm where your S will be housed) eliminated the trees. But I digress … I am SO happy for you and your S; he has landed in the absolute right place!!

@EastchesterMom , now I’m tearing up more - you all are soooooo nice :slight_smile:

You deserve to wallow in a few tears, @tatteredandfriendly - you survived this crazy process and got through to the other side! I hope you post your story on the Backgrounds thread.

Congratulations @tatteredandfriendly !! I concur – everyone on this thread has been so helpful and friendly ?

My D and I are visiting next week – doing the tour with Rebecca next Friday. We are trying to arrange a Molloy tour for that afternoon as well. The regularly scheduled Molloy tour for April 26 is at the same time as the CAP21 tour. Really need to visit both that day.

@2019wolves I bet they will help you to be able to see both the Manhattan studio and the school on the same day.

Congratulations @tatteredandfriendly !

So many congratulations @tatterrdandfriendly! Welcome to the family!

@ZukAndSowash - Congratulations to you and your S for crossing this crazy bridge and reaching the other side! Hope to read your story in the final decisions thread!!

@tatteredandfriendly - YAY!!! Congratulations and welcome to the family!! So very excited for you all!!! Hope to read more about your story and journey in the final decisions thread too!! ?

Hi All! My D will most likely be committing soon! Molloy/Cap 21 has been her favorite throughout this crazy process. We’re from Southern CA, so happy to hear there are others who will be making the trek. Thank you to the veterans on this thread, you’ve helped more than you’ll ever know.

We’ll take that as a definite YES - congrats and welcome to the family, @llamamamma! Your D will love this program, and so will you!

Congratulations and break legs to Class 2 - I saw the Class of 2019 group photo posted on the CAP21 FB site. I had the good fortune to see these kids perform while my D was still in school…an amazingly talented bunch who will take the MT world by storm!

Yay! Congrats, @llamamamma ! Welcome to the family.

BAL Class 2!

Woo Hoo!! Congratulations @llamamamma !! So excited for you and your D! And welcome to the family! ?:heart:

If you’re on instagram, check out the @MolloyCollege story. It is featuring a CAP21 junior who is taking the instagram world through her day and talking about the program. If she belongs to any of the parents here - she is absolutely darling and is doing such a great job!

@speezagmom - had to drop everything to check out the @MolloyCollege story - she says she’s a senior. I think CAP21 should put her on the payroll…she’s amazing! I especially love the “before and after” hair and makeup for “Nine.”