BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

Congratulations! So excited for you both @mtoverload and @mtsongbirdmom!

Thanks everyone! She’s not sleeping tonight she’s so excited! @waitingforlife she is flying in on the 27th. I am sure she would love to see the sophomore’s composer project performance on the 28th! I will mention it to her so she can follow up on it. Alas, she’s meeting her grandma in New York so I will miss out.

WOW… many congratulations to @MTSongbirdMom and @MToverload! What a great day - welcome to the family!

@MTSongbirdMom The performance project performances will be at the Manhattan studios Here is a link to times and ticket info.

Wow…so much good news! Congrats @MToverload & @MTSongbirdMom!!! And, very excited to hear that @tatteredandfriendly & @llamamamma have committed (or will be committing!). My S has also recently committed and we are very excited! Many thanks to all of you veterans on this page for sharing so much information - it has helped us tremendously and certainly added to our excitement as well!

Oh and I loved the Instagram stories! Thank you @speezagmom for the tip to check it out and @EastchesterMom for pointing out that there was more than one to watch.

As has become our tradition: Congratulations, @MT19Mom, and welcome to the Molloy/CAP21 family!!

Yay!! Congratulations @MT19Mom !! Welcome to the family!!

@MT19Mom - I hope you post your S’s story on the Background thread!!

Congrats and Welcome @MT19Mom !

oh my gosh, this is a fun moment, seeing all the commitments and people getting off of wait lists :smile: :smile: :smile:

@MT19Mom - just adding my Congrats and welcome!

@waitingforlife Thanks for the link! Congratulations to you and your son for surviving the ride! @MT19Mom

Hi, My D also got off the waitlist last night! We are actually in NY touring another school, so we are going to swing by the new CAP 21 building. Unfortunately, Molloy and CAP21 are closed for a break until next Tuesday, but the building is open, and they say we can come by and check it out. Is there anything we should try to see there or in the area around it? And adding thanks to @EastchesterMom, @speezagmom, @JavaJo, and @waitingforlife. Your information has been invaluable!!

@MTdreamin Congrats! When are you going by CAP21? My D will actually be at there every day of the break because they are rehearsing A Chorus Line for the Madison Theatre from 10-6. There are a several CAP21 performers in the show along with some professionals. If your D wants to talk with her at all, I could see if she knows when her breaks will be. Things in the area that are close by are the 9-11 Museum and the World Trade Center. Oh and the Charging Bull is almost right in front of the building :slight_smile:

Yay!! Congratulations @MTdreamin !! Too bad you won’t be able to actually get a tour of the Manhattan studios. :frowning: Hopefully you will be able to see some of the Manhattan space!

@waitingforlife I think we’ll be there sometime between 4 and 5 pm, but we could hang out and eat around there and be available longer. They told us the building will be open until 10pm. We don’t want your daughter to go to a lot of trouble though. And how cool to be in A Chorus Line!!

And thank you @waitingforlife and @JavaJo! She’s excited!

@MTdreamin - let me check with her and see :slight_smile:

@waitingforlife We don’t want to bug her, so no worries if she’s busy. We’re very grateful to be able to see the building!

Congratulations @MTdreamin !