BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@MTdreamin she said if you were there at 6 she should be able to show you the studio and answer a few questions. But if it is too hard to coordinate this late no worries.

@waitingforlifeWe just had a tour! Tell your daughter thank you, but we are all set! We will probably have questions to ask you at some point though!

@MTdreamin That is great!

Thanks @mtoverload, and congrats to your D as well! And congrats @MTSongbirdMom! Such an exciting day! And @waitingforlife we really appreciate your D’s offer. CAP21 really seems like a family!

Hey all, my D also got off the waitlist last Wednesday. WOO HOO!! Thank you so much for all the helpful postings of info about Molloy/CAP21. We are super excited and eagerly await the financial aid packet. I hope we can afford it. Congrats to all and thank you. Best of luck to your kids wherever they land.

Congratulations and welcome to the Molloy/CAP21 Family, @network_engineer!

@network_engineer Congrats to your D! I think several of us parents are eagerly awaiting the financial package! Hope they work out for all of us!

Congrats @netwoek_engineer!

Congratulations @network_engineer !!!
And crossing fingers for all still waiting on the financial aid packets - hoping you all get great news!!

It’s official, I submitted my deposit to Molloy yesterday!

Congratulations @CEarlMT and welcome! Also @network_engineer hoping you get the package you need so we can welcome you also :slight_smile:

Woo Hoo!! Congratulations @CEarlMT !! Welcome to the family!! :slight_smile:

My son committed today. We are so thrilled to be part of the Cap21 family.

Congratulations and welcome to the Molloy/CAP21 family, @CEarlMT and @Watamom!!!

Congrats and welcome @CEarlMT and @Watamom !! So excited for you!

YAY!! Congratulations @Watamom !! Welcome!! :slight_smile:

Welcome @Watamom !

@waitingforlife Thanks so much for letting us know about the sophomore showcase. D went at noon and really enjoyed it. She’s already referring to it as “her school” and she doesn’t have her tours until tomorrow!

So glad she enjoyed the composer project performance @MTSongbirdMom ! My D attended last night and loved it as well! She said it made her excited for her sophomore year! :wink:

@MTSongbirdMom - so glad she enjoyed it. I was there too, at the airport now heading back to CA. I wondered if that was your D. I did see her talking to a few students but be sure to reach out if she still has questions after her visit at Molloy tomorrow.