BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@MToverload I sent you a pm :slight_smile:

We’re from Southern CA! I’m hoping to accompany her to orientation in July and visit a friend in NY while she’s getting oriented. @tatteredandfriendly and @MToverload (and any other west coasters) - will you be flying out of LAX? Which orientation will your kids be attending? Would love for my D to meet others even before she gets there for orientation!

@llamamamma @tatteredandfriendly @MToverload @MTSongbirdMom and anyone else that I missed. It is pretty easy to take the Airtrain from JFK to the Long Island RR (LIRR) and then take LIRR to Rockville Center station. From there they might want to Uber to campus until they get the shuttle schedule figured out. But also if there are 2 or 3 going together that can share an Uber, it might be just as cost effective to Uber the entire way. Citymapper is a really good app that will give you the transit options with pricing and times that makes it pretty easy to navigate the area.

@llamamamma She’ll be going to the 1st orientation. When we looked at the sign-up site, it mentioned that all CAP 21 kids needed to go to the 1st one. I’m going to PM you about travel - I haven’t made the arrangements yet.

@waitingforlife Thank you! I really know nothing about New York, but I guess I’ll be getting an education!

@LlamaMama it has to be the first orientation for MT kids. @waitingforlife thank you. I’m thinking he can do the public transportation thing into Rockville upon arriving, but he’ll be needing to go to the airport at like 5 or 5:30 a.m. on Friday so that feels a bit sketchier and might have him Uber. Thoughts?

Unless of course someone else is going to the airport early Friday :smile:

@tatteredandfriendly It would be doable for sure but would have to leave a little more time so might be easier to make sure he doesn’t miss his plane to do Uber. Hopefully there will be others heading to the airport early too so they can share a ride :slight_smile:

@tatteredandfriendly My son takes Uber to the airport from the campus almost every time he flies home. (We generally use JFK) It’s usually around $25. That said, the last time he flew back, it must have been a premium time so he ended up taking the train as it was going to be $55. We’ve never used them, but another class of 2022 parent told me that there is a cab company at the rockville center station that gives discounted fares to Molloy kids - $5 to campus from the train station. (It’s about $8 via uber from the train station) and $25ish to the airport. Worth looking into.

Yay @MToverload and @MTSongbirdMom !! So happy for you and your kiddos! Doesn’t it feel good to be on the other side of this crazy process with an option they are excited about?!?! :slight_smile:

Thanks @speezagmom , good information.

My son has committed to Molloy/CAP 21 this fall, so I’ve created a Facebook group for Parents, in order to share info, questions, and experiences. If you’re the parent of a committed student feel free to join the FB group. Just search Facebook for “Molloy CAP/21 Parents 2023”. (there also a Facebook group called “MOLLOY/CAP21 ‘23 ACCEPTED!”, in case your accepted/committed student hasn’t noticed it.)

Congratulations @mhaag7 !! Welcome to the family! :smiley:

Amen @JavaJo ! Glad to be on the other side. Thanks!

@mhaag7 congratulations! also, I looked for the parent FB group but didn’t find it. I did however, accidentally try to join the student group, which I now feel embarrassed about; oops!

Congratulations, @mhaag7, and welcome to the Molloy/CAP21 family!

I tried to paste the specific ULR of the Facebook group for CAP21 Parents into this chat, but it said moderator approval is needed (this site is probably trying to prevent spam links). Hopefully the moderator will approve the post at some point. Anyway, if you friend me or DM me directly on facebook I can add you (my name is Michael Haag; the photo on my FB account is a green guitar).

Look what I found! They finally made the curriculum readily available on the website! It was like trying to get a state secret in the past. :slight_smile:

Congratulations, @mhaag7, and welcome to the Molloy/CAP21 family!

To the Class of 2019: Break legs in your Showcase today!!!