Big Drinking School?

<p>I am really interested in Tulane because it has the majors I'm interested in (global public health and international relations) and I'm pretty certain that I could get in. However, I have heard a lot about how it is a big drinking school and that worries me a little bit. I know that there will be drinking at every university, but I've heard that Tulane is especially crazy. I do drink, but not a lot, and I don't want to go to a school where most of the social activities revolve around getting wasted every weekend. So if anyone who goes to Tulane could tell me whether this is true or not I would really appreciate it!</p>

<p>It's college. No matter what college you go to - no matter whether it is private or public, ranked top 10 or top 10,000, one square mile big or a million - there will be drinking. The sole exception might be military school, but even then...</p>

<p>But, anyways, I would say Tulane is no worse than any other private urban school in this regard. I know people who go out drinking literally every night. I know others who only go to the occasional party. And then I know some who plain don't drink. Regardless of which category you may fit in, you won't be the only one. You'll find your group, and find plenty to do. Personally, I rarely drink. Just not big on it. But I have friends, I have plenty to do between classes, my job, always a concert of some type somewhere nearby, always some speaker on campus (which may sound nerdy, but sometimes you'll have these amazinginly intelligent professors speaking and it just really gets you thinking. Or you'll have comedians who get you laughing - had a guy from comedy central here the other week. Always someone), etcetera. One of the best parts about college is the freedom you have. Hard to truly understand it/appreciate it until you experience it, but trust me, you will be as busy or as relaxed as you want (and likewise as sober or as drunk as you want!).</p>

<p>Of all the concerns to have about Tulane, honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about this one.</p>

"Of all the concerns to have about Tulane, honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about this one"</p>

<p>What "should" the concerns be? My D was just accepted with a merit scholarship, loved the campus when we visited and is 99% sure she wants to attend. Other than the obvious concern of hurricanes what else is there?</p>

<p>Actually, Tulane students do drink a lot. Not necessarily much more than the average college student, however much more accessibly. In New Orleans we can buy pretty much buy anywhere we want. I know a few kids who don't drink and are having a good time, but I also know a lot of kids who didn't drink before coming here, didn't think they would drink here, and drink all the time. I personally do drink and am having an amazing time here. I do think this aspect of Tulane and the party scene in general should have an effect on which school you choose.</p>

<p>Bottomline: It is a big drinking school.</p>

<p>Hello! I am currently a freshman at Tulane and it sounds like your daughter is in the exact same spot I was in this time last year. I loved the campus, loved the school, and was thrilled about my merit scholarship. I can tell you now, as my first semester almost nears its close, I could not have made a better choice. My classes are fascinating, my professors are both engaging and understanding, and there is always so much to do. In response to your concern about hurricanes - while I can understand why that may be a concern for you, I can tell you that the university did a FANTASTIC job evacuating for Gustav. Every single student was taken care of, whether they went with other students to Jackson State U to wait out the storm, or took a little "hurrication" back home like I did. It actually made me love Tulane even more, because the week home made me realize how much I miss this place when I am not here!</p>

<p>As for drinking, I honestly believe that Tulane is like any other college in that regard. If you go looking for it, you will find it. If you don't, you will find other exciting ways to spend your weekends/free time. Part of the college experience is learning to make choices for yourself. I can promise that, no matter where a student goes, they will have to make similar choices. </p>

<p>Overall, I cannot say enough good things about Tulane. If you have any other questions, either specific or general, please feel free to contact me.</p>

<p>Roll Wave!</p>

<p>Something I would like to add to the discussion is that Tulane is in New Orleans. Period. It’s in a huge city. What did I do last weekend? I went to Voodoo Fest and saw Lil Wayne, Lupe Fiasco, Wyclef Jean, Dashboard Confessional, Panic at the Disco, and so many more. I’ve already been to a basketball game and a student government meeting this week. Tomorrow I’m going to Karma, a huge event put on by the Indian Association of Tulane University. I’m not Indian, but I’m going - everyone is.</p>

<p>In a small town, are you going to do any of that? Not really. You’re going to be inside dorms and frat houses drinking. The point is, there is so much more to do at Tulane, in New Orleans, than drink. Of course there is drinking, and a lot of it, but it’s not the reason anyone should come here or not come here.</p>

<p>I went to school at Loyola, which is right next to Tulane- literally. I had many friends there at Tulane, and many friends in other colleges around the country that I visited often while in college. I’m going to be very honest Tulane and Loyola students drink- a lot. And they always make the top party schools list.</p>

<p>First, it’s in New Orleans. Second, the drinks are VERY, VERY cheap. There are many, many cheap bars around the corner (Tulane has one on campus- The Boot). </p>

<p>To be blunt, the alcohol laws in New Orleans are very lax, because alcohol is very common in daily affairs in New Orleans. It’s part of the culture. So, many times, you can enter a bar at 18, and order drinks for yourself. But, you can still get in trouble if the cops are there, but it happens not too often. Many bars are also opened 24 hours (there is no such thing as last call).</p>

<p>However, like other people mentioned, you can do many other things in New Orleans. I miss New Orleans dearly, because it’s such a well cultured city. I did drink there, but also I went to many events, especially musical events. A lot of them were at Loyola, because the music school is amazing. But New Orleans has an amazing local music scene. There are always many festivals there, too. You can do many things outside of the Boot, 3 for 1s, and 50 cents night. Just do some research. </p>

<p>If you go to Tulane, I hope you will enjoy it greatly. I was over at Tulane as much as I was at Loyola. They both are very wonderful schools, of course, one specializes more in X subjects than the other, but they both always had some awesome events going on. IR and Global Public Health at TU are amazing faculties. Best of luck in your future endeavors.</p>


<p>Just to clarify - Tulane does not have a bar on campus. The Boot is not on Tulane’s campus. It is several blocks off campus.</p>

<p>I’m not familiar exactly where the “line is drawn” with the bar and the school, but it’s not several, if anything it’s less than two blocks up from the library on Zimple Street. So yes, maybe technically it’s not “on” the campus. But that’s okay, because that’s not the point of this thread.</p>


<p>i was thinking of going from tulane but ive heard there are tons of crimes on campus and sometimes muggings/murders etc. </p>

<p>also ive heard about a lot of hard drugs being used.</p>

<p>how can so many incredibly intelligent people act like that i wonder.</p>


<p>Intelligence is not a synonymn for wise.</p>

<p>Also, about the crimes. I don’t want to get mugged on this forum here myself, but I think it’s important to address all issues.</p>

<p>Many of the crimes, such as muggings occur with people outside of Tulane, mainly the citizens of New Orleans. Now, please, let’s not hate on me. I love New Orleans DEARLY, but it recently was named the murder capital of the US. Before, most of the crimes in New Orleans were gang related, but now it’s taking a different toll after Hurricane Katrina as the city is still in its rebuilding processes.</p>

<p>Loyola and Tulane Universities are on Freret Street (excuse my spelling if it’s incorrect). 20 blocks up are the projects, and there have been incidents of residents mugging students. Now before people go crazy here, I want to clarify that I lived in this area pre, during and post Katrina. Crimes against university students have also regarded break ins (not dorms but houses around the university area). LIke most neighborhoods in New Orleans, many of the rich neighborhoods not far from the more poorer neighborhoods. IN this case, the wealthy private schools uptown are not far from Magnolia (projects). Many of the muggers often target students that are walking home from bars late at night, or walking towards their cars. </p>

<p>I for one, who enjoyed New Orleans very much at all hours of the day have NEVER gotten mugged, robbed, raped, ect. You must be SMART- street smart that is. Do not walk around drunk, especially alone. Walk in very, very large groups. Know your surroundings. </p>

<p>Again, I am just being honest. This is what has happened. TU and LU constantly send BOLO BOLO (be on the look out) emails to students, if anyone wants to debate this, I’m sure I can send you a copy and paste email.</p>

<p>My reccomendation is never to walk alone at night, not even on campus, though Tulane is pretty secured with police. They are everywhere. Try to live in a dorm. Some of the upperclassman dorms are very nice. The reason is because many of the houses around the area, especially around Broadway street are very old and run down. many of the locks don’t even work. </p>

<p>I’m not trying lure people away from NOLA, because it is my second home, but I feel that these issues should be addressed in all honesty. It’s better to be aware prior than to be surprised or caught off guard.</p>

<p>And drugs are everywhere, unfortunately.</p>


<p>okay tulane is bumped further on my list now</p>

<p>seems like the school is amazing just has to be in a ****hole like NOLA.</p>

<p>If you’re looking for drinking check out [url=<a href=“”>]BarFlood[/url</a>] where people schedule parties and drinking sessions in bars…but at Tulane, being in NO, you don’t need to look far. Cool place.</p>

<p>Fromthesouth, I think you need to cool your jets. </p>

<p>Before you go off labeling the most culturally unique city in America as a ****hole because of crime, you might as well cross all other major America cities off your list. Loyola and Tulane are located in nice uptown neighborhoods where the likelihood of anything happening to you is very small. You just need to use your head like you do in all cities, not that being from north Louisiana would prepare you for this. If you find the idea crime, drinking, public transportation, diversity, art, history and all that other Jazz daunting, maybe you ought to go to school in Natchitoches, or Hammond. I’d steer clear of LSU, I heard theres some crime in Baton Rouge too. Good luck, keep it Jazzy.</p>

<p>I hate to make it sound like “blaming the victim”, but most of the crimes that occur happen to people who don’t take common sense precautionary measures. The most recent rape of a student was because the girl was in an unlit area by herself.</p>

<p>And the RA’s are typically good with catching underage drinking and posession if that’s a concern for parents. So much so that it’s always a complaint as being “too strict”.</p>

<p>Students MAKE THE CHOICE to drink, and no one can force you to drink. There are plenty of people who do or don’t.</p>

<p>Fromthesouth… wow. I cannot believe you called NOLA what you did. It is ANYTHING but. Crime happens everywhere! If you use your head like everyone tells you to, you’re safe. Just don’t go places by yourself at night and use all of the resources this wonderful university gives to you! SafeRide, TUPD, etc.</p>

<p>Also… whoever said the Boot was several blocks off campus was completely incorrect. It’s basically between our library and chapel, and is about a 30-second walk from my dorm room.</p>

<p>i was a bit frustrated when i said that</p>

<p>To sum it up:</p>

<p>People drink in college no matter where you go - get over it!</p>

<p>Crime happens everywhere, especially in big cities - so use you head!</p>

<p>It’s not high school - people don’t care if you drink or not! If you don’t there’ll be some one else that doesn’t, I promise.</p>

<p>To OP:

  • There tends to be more drinking at Tulane because it is easily accessible.
  • New Orleans is a city, not a small town, so there’s other stuff to do.
  • Based on the Tulane 2013 group, there are plenty of people that don’t plan on drinking or are going to drink in moderation.
  • Nearly everyone in that group says that their grades/academics are very important. </p>

<p>THEREFORE, I don’t think that you should really have anything to be concerned with!! I hope this helps.</p>