<p>When I was a freshman I really messed up big time, I failed a world language class and got pretty much straight C's. Now when I was a Sophomore I did better getting straight B's and a couple of C's. Now here we are Junior Year, the most important of them all, and I have a 4.0 Weighted GPA. Now, heres where the problem comes in, in the past years I wasnt doing as good as I am now but I was doing pretty solid, but then Baseball season came around and I just started slacking on everything and everything (Grade-Wise) plummeted. Now here I am on the brink of baseball season and I dont know what I should do. Play or Not Play. Now while I would only quit School baseball and play in 2 other leauges ( Once During the week and on Saturdays and the Other team on Sundays) I would still quit school. This is a really tough choice for me because I truly love baseball but my grades this year are super important. I'm leaning towards quitting school baseball, but I really dont know. What Do You Recomend???? I know that this year can really make me or break me for college</p>
<p>Typical teenager - should I have fun now or plan for the future? You have demonstrated that you can make the grades. College admissions are going to be much more understanding about low freshman year grades if you can demonstrate that you learned something about studying. Unless you really think that you are good enough at baseball to get recruited (but you still need to graduate!). I wouldn’t rely on that.</p>
<p>if you have a possibility of being recruited, stay on the team…if not, your GPA should take precedence, but try to find another EC to sub for baseball…my D did this w lacrosse jun year…was def worth it…</p>
<p>Now, the possibility of being recruited is there. But I play on a Travel Team that only plays on sundays and on that team we do college showcases over long breaks like spring break and the summer.</p>
<p>If you stay on the team, you need to figure out how to still keep your grades reasonable. Maybe give up one of the other leagues? Make sure that you can study during whatever free time you have (I know that it’s not much). You can even read on the bus (never seen it happen, though). - Consider getting a study hall.</p>