<p>Sources think Colorado panicked and now will have to pay between $6 mil and $8 mil to leave B12 when it couldn’t afford Hawkins’ $3m buyout.
about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck </p>
<p>Source: [Chip</a> Brown (ChipBrownOB) on Twitter](<a href=“http://twitter.com/chipbrownob]Chip”>http://twitter.com/chipbrownob)</p>
<h2>Which makes me wonder how much would Nebraska has to pay for penalty bolting from the Big-12?!</h2>
<p>University of Nebraska joins Big Ten academically, too</p>
<p>BY JULIAN GONZALEZ | JUNE 15, 2010 7:30 AM</p>
<p>With the news earlier this week that the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will join the Big Ten in 2011, the athletics departments arent the only ones eager to explore the new union.</p>
<p>University of Iowa spokesman Tom Moore said many academic departments are eager, too.
With the addition of the University of Nebraska to the Big Ten, we are enhancing the academic standings of the conference, he said.</p>
<p>Nebraska will be the first new entry to the Big Ten since Penn State joined in 1990. Moore said he thinks Nebraskas academics, research, and engagement activities are an excellent fit and complement each other very well.</p>
<p>Meg Lauerman, the Nebraska director of university communication, agreed. </p>
<p>Nebraskas research aspirations have been held to the high standards of the Big Ten, she wrote in an e-mail. [Nebraskas] upward trajectory in a number of metrics will only be enhanced through association with the Big Ten.</p>
<p>According to U.S. News & World Report, Nebraska is ranked the 43rd public national institution. The UI is No. 29.</p>
<p>Further, along with all the current Big Ten members, the university is a member of the Association of American Universities and recognized by the Carnegie Foundation as a Doctoral/Research Extensive University. Average ACT scores Nebraskas is a 28 are also similar.</p>
<p>And of the Nebraska Board of Regents 10 listed peer institutions, five are Big Ten.</p>
<p>She said one of those opportunities is entry to the Committee for Institutional Cooperation, which can help Nebraska leverage better faculty, funding, facilities through collaboration and shared buying power.</p>
<p>Including recently published joint research findings for HIV, Nebraska and the UI have a track record of collaboration. All Big Ten members are actively involved and in collaboration with each other something Lauerman said is beneficial in Lincoln, where the university is centered.</p>
<p>She thinks the Big Ten name recognition will enhance the universitys ability to recruit faculty.</p>
<p>Ultimately, Nebraskas joining the Big Ten will open doors to new investors, entrepreneurs, and others interested in expanding regional and national markets, she said. </p>
<p>The Big Tens worldwide international reputation for excellence enhances Nebraskas goals to attract more international scholars and students.</p>
<h2>Link: [University</a> of Nebraska joins Big Ten academically, too - The Daily Iowan](<a href=“http://www.dailyiowan.com/2010/06/15/Metro/17512.html]University”>http://www.dailyiowan.com/2010/06/15/Metro/17512.html)</h2>
<p>Also, BTN’s breakdown on the potential conference division scenario (watch from 6:20)
[University</a> of Nebraska joins Big Ten academically, too - The Daily Iowan](<a href=“http://www.dailyiowan.com/2010/06/15/Metro/17512.html]University”>http://www.dailyiowan.com/2010/06/15/Metro/17512.html)</p>
<p>Go Big Ten! lol</p>