I was accepted to Bilkent University on a full ride. Can any Alumni or someone with knowledge about it guide me about its reputation and career opportunities it offers. Is it better for me to go to Turkey or a lowly ranked university in Germany?
Thank you in anticipation!
I have a friend who studied engineering at Bilkent. I remember he was saying the number of international students was very limited, but he had no problem to connect with turkish students. The engineering school is one of the best in Turkey (acc. to him). He was saying the other departments are not so well known. After the graduation, he was accepted to a very selective master program in the US.
But maybe Turkey is not the best place to spend 4 years given the situation in the country.
Urghhhh. I should wait for the other decisions.
I am from Turkey,Bilkent is a top of one university of turkey and famaous.