Billing help

<p>Looking at our bill I can’t see credit for the $2500 engineering scholarship. If you received it can you tell me where you see it listed in case I am missing it?</p>

<p>There don’t yet appear to be any credits from the engineering department. My son is also missing the $2500 as well as the difference between the UA Scholar award and 100% of tution. </p>

<p>My son also has 2 external scholarships that were sent in quite some time ago, one at the end of May that are not showing up.</p>

<p>I’m going to allow them a couple more days to process credits, then I’ll call to follow up if they don’t show up by the middle of next week.</p>

<p>The eng’g scholarship will show up soon. It will show up as $1250, because it’s split between 2 semesters.</p>

<p>Phew…sigh of relief. Thank you guys. I telephoned Fi-aid office but they couldn’t tell me anything.</p>

<p>I had Monday July 23rd in my adgenda as the day the billing was supposed to be available on mybama so I would give it until then :)</p>

<p>I thnk Jul 22 or 23 is correct</p>

<p>My engineering scholarship showed up today, $1250 as usual per semester.</p>

<p>engineering scholarship not on my son’s invoice yet.</p>

<p>Mine didn’t show up yet…</p>

<p>The engineering department is working on getting the scholarships posted and hopes to have them all done by midweek. I was told to give it until Friday and then call if it’s not there then.</p>

<p>My son’s engineering scholarship is now posted.</p>

<p>Regarding external scholarships: Just called UA and they claim a ‘glitch’ regarding processing of some scholarships, to keep checking account and call next week if they don’t show up by Friday. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>my son’s engineering is posted as an expected scholarship.</p>

<p>My D’s bill has one figure listed under projected account balance and one under total account balance. I assume that I pay the total account balance and UA will credit me the difference at a later date. Is this correct?</p>

<p>I believe the total account balance is what you owe for the semester. The second line, the projected credits, is what you have in aid, scholarships, etc. And the projected account balance is what you don’t have and you will have to pay. So if it’s negative, you get a refund, if it’s 0 you don’t pay and you get nothing, and if it’s a positive number, that’s what you owe. That’s what I’ve been told. Anybody else?</p>

<p>The total account balance does not take into account one of her scholarships that is listed under projected credits. If you subtract the projected credit from the total account balance, you get the projected account balance, which I believe to be the correct “total due.”</p>

<p>Correct. So, if it’s negative, you get your refund.</p>

<p>Sorry if I am being slow here.</p>

Total Account Balance: $4000
projected credits: $1000
Projected account balance: $3000</p>

<p>The balance I believe I owe is $3000. My question is do I pay the $4,000 now and know that UA will pay me the $1000 back when the scholarship goes from projected to actual.</p>

<p>You owe $3,000 since you have $1,000 in aid. I believe you would just pay the $3,000 because the school will take the scholarship and pay automatically. I’m not 100% on that, so hopefully someone who knows will chime in.</p>