When are scholarships credited on bill?

<p>Does anyone know when the engineering scholarship is actually credited? I want to confirm S schedule and don’t know whether to pay what is actually shown before the credit, or the final actual amount that will be owed? Since the due date is Dec. 14, should I wait awhile for the credit to go through? Any advice would be appreciated.</p>

<p>My son’s account already shows the engineering scholarship credited. We confirmed his schedule while he was home for Thanksgiving, so it’s been there for at least a week now. I’d probably call.</p>

<p>DS’s is showing now as a projected credit and my balance due already has the amount deducted. I believe you only would have to pay the projected balance but have only done this once with UA so am not completely positive.</p>

<p>If I remember correctly from the fall term the “actual” credit hit a few weeks after the start of the term.</p>

<p>If you have any questions whatsoever about Eng’g scholarships, Saskia Clayton is your lady. She’s very helpful! Her phone details are on the Eng’g Dept page (scholarship section) - or paste-ing here:
Contact for College of Engineering Scholarships</p>

<p>Saskia Clayton
Coordinator Engineering Scholarships
(205) 394-7573 or toll-free 800-887-9711</p>

<p>Did anyone get the automated telephone message from UA saying that “your bill is now due and if it is not paid, your classes will be cancelled.” Scared me as I thought we had until December 14th before classes were cancelled. We were waiting a few more days to see if the scholarship was credited as we didn’t want to pay the actual amount and then have to worry about the credit. Should we pay it all today, or do you think we should ignore the phone call and wait until the end of the week? (Called the engineering department as aeromom recommended after we received the call, but it was after 4:00 so the contact was not there.)</p>

<p>I love the people at the University of Alabama! Saskia Clayton just called me back. From her understanding, the scholarship cannot be credited until 10 days before the semester starts, so we shouldn’t be alarmed at the wait. She is not 100% sure but we decided the course of action was to pay the projected amount due to see if this confirmed the schedule. If it doesn’t, we can always pay the entire amount and get the credit later. Again, she wasn’t 100 percent sure but at least I got an answer and by doing this I won’t worry that my son’s schedule will be cancelled.
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Do we have until Dec 14th to pay, or not?!
PS: Yes, Saskie is great! :)</p>

<p>My son’s Presidential scholarship is credited, and the engineering scholarship is listed as “projected”…so it’s showing a “projected credit”…so the projected balance is “positive”.</p>

<p>OP here. We paid the lesser projected amount owed and our balance is $0 and the schedule is confirmed. Thank you everyone for your help.</p>