BInghamton Chance for Colledge of Community and Public Affiars

GPA:88.4 unwieghted
SAT: 1140
College Classes: Forensics, Psychology, Trigonometry, and Sociology
ECs: volunteer fire fighter, Softball, basketball, and 15 hour part time job

I don’t know the college specifically but it seems that your SAT score would make Bing a reach. Take a look at the Common Data Set for Bing (

To be honest, I don’t think that you will be admitted because both your GPA and SAT scores are a little low for binghamton. Unless you are a URM or going through the EOP program it will be tough. That being said, I would also recomend applying to Buffalo and Albany since they are more of a fit for you. If you are dead set on binghamton, consider going to a community college for 1 year and transferring to binghamton. If you maintain above a 3.5 at CC (which is not very difficult) you should get into bing without issue.