Binghamton Fall 2017 Transfer

I agree with chris about being confident in yourself and participating in class. My first semester I ended up with a 3.4 GPA and I was not proud of myself because I know I could have done a lot better. It was hard adjusting to a new school environment and I felt like people that were around me did not care about doing well in school. This semester I am a lot more confident and thinking positively which is showing in my grades. I love my teachers.

When I applied to Binghamton University my senior year, I did not get in for Fall 2016 rather Spring 2017. I wished I did went to BU in the spring term but I did not really focused on it. I am very excited to start my journey this fall. Congrats to everyone that got in!

By the way, I applied. And was admitted to Harpur college neuroscience program. Hopefully after BU, I will get into med school.

@DB3000 I am still waiting for SOM as well. Frustrating, but hopefully the wait pays off.

Are transfers allowed to live off campus

I have a question for you guys. I applied to SOM as an accounting major got denied, but Bing wanted to review my application for Harpur instead. Did anyone else get this option? Is this a good sign that I will be accepted? At this point, I just want to get accepted.

Depends on your stats, but Harpur is significantly easier to get into than SOM IMO. SOM is probably the hardest school at Bing to get into, and Harpur is one of the easiest. I would say easiest, but I do not know the difficulty of the other programs honestly. @edobbs0916 what are your stats if you dont mind me asking? I am anxiously waiting to hear back for SOM still…

Here are my stats:
College gpa: 3.6
High school gpa: 3.4
ACT score: 27
Possible hooks: URM, upward trend in high school and college grades (They requested a course progress report from me), and my obvious demonstrated interest.
Have you contacted them at all? It seems strange that you are still waiting for a response. Anyways, hope you get accepted by SOM.

I did a few weeks ago with general questions about the course progress report. and I should have asked, but out of the 4 pre reqs they require for SOM, what did you complete and what did you receive for the ones you completed?

Also, who should I contact to display my obvious interest as well? Lol. @edobbs0916

Off the 4 prereqs, I only have two done Micro and Stats I got an A and B+ respectively. And as far as demonstrated interest goes in my case I applied to Bing last year, and have been keeping them updated on my grades and I told them how Bing was and still is my number 1 choice. I don’t know worth a try though.

Was accepted into SOM today before I could even make an effort to let them know how interested I really am. lol


Still waiting for decision. I applied the last week of February to SOM. I submitted everything included in application the same week and submitted Progress Report first week of March. Called them and they said its rolling adminissions,. This wait is long

Got accepted into Harpur today!

Looking for an on campus roommate if anyone is interested

Anyone still waiting for a decision? Still haven’t heard back. This is getting ridiculous…

Did you send them your Spring grades?

Wow I’m late but, hey. I applied for transfer and was accepted into A&S. Anyone here who was accepted and IS going to Bing Fall17?

Whats A&S and yeah I will be attending BU as a neuroscience major.