Binghamton Fall 2017 Transfer

Got a 5 on my AP Calculus BC exam with a 96 class average, and an A in my first semester differential equations course. Highly doubt that my math grades were a problem.

@metsfan98 a bit surprised you were rejected tbh, RPI is a great school for engineering and you have really strong stats. even more shocking considering you were accepted out of HS.

@metsfan98 did you at least satisfy their prerequisite courses? Also what courses did you do and how many credits did you do per semester?

Also got accepted to SOM just today.

Was rejected out of high school with a 3.2 average (86.25) and 2100 SAT.
College GPA First semester: 3.93, 13 credits
College GPA Second semester: 3.7 16 credits
ECs: Student Senator representing 3k students for my living quad. Also worked on Senate “appropriations committee” delegating funds to various student groups. Also am in College Democrats and Astronomy Club.
Essay and recs: Submitted none of them.

@chrisli75 congrats

What college are you currently attending or attended?
What pre reqs have you completed?
When did they receive your course progress report?

I applied SOM as well and they just received my CPR yesterday.

@sccctransfer I am currently at UAlbany, I did Macro, Micro, and Stats and got A’s. They got my progress report two weeks ago. I think you should hear back in 2 weeks.

Honestly, this is the most strange part. They said they don’t accept the common app version of the CPR, yet they took it anyway when I sent it.

@sccctransfer I think you will hear back before the Open House on April 23rd

Are you taking Calc this semester or? And what does the common app version of the CPR mean? I just printed out that sheet and had my professors fill it out

Got Accepted to Harpur last night! Thanks for everyones help

Is there any group chats for transfers

@chrisli75 Hey, I see that you currently attend Albany. I have a son who is going to be a sr in high school next year. He will be applying to 10 schools and wants business/accounting. I was just curious how you find Albany. By that I mean the rigor, professors etc. He will apply direct admit to Albany to the business school. He is going to also apply to the SOM at BING, but Albany does have a good rep for business and accounting in particular. Thanks!

@euve69 I attended a really rigorous high school so to be at Albany was underwhelming for me in terms of being challenging. For others it hard but personally didn’t find because the sheer difficulty my high school just trained me I guess. Also, I didn’t do very well academically at high school (I posted stats here) so I attended Albany purely for financial reasons and with the prospect to transfer during freshmen year. Yes Albany has a good accounting program. I just advise caution with joining an LLC if your son isn’t party person. Feel free ask anything else!.

Hey, when did you apply to SOM? I applied last week of February and submitted mid-term grades early in March and have yet to hear anything. Also, what major did you apply to?

@chrisli75 Thanks for the feedback. I do have a few questions. You mentioned the LLC’S. When we visited Albany back in October the business school mentioned that the Accounting majors had an LLC. It seemed like a very nice idea since you would be with students with some of the same interests. Can you please expand on your comment that one should not join an LLC unless they are a party person. My son is not a big partier, but likes to meet people and wants to be social so I thought it was nice, but maybe I am missing something.

Also, I know you attended a rigorous high school but how did you find the economics classes and some of the general ed classes? I can see you did well, but was it very tough or manageble if you just studied and did not waste time and procrastinate.

Finally, I see you are a business major. Just curious why you want to switch? Is it that you think overall BING is just a better school overall? and for business? For accounting, from what I have researched, they are pretty much on the same level. For IB, or finance, BING probably has the edge. THANKS!

@euve69 I am transferring because I personally can’t stand the social environment. I feel that personally I haven’t found my niche and haven’t really connected on both an emotional and intellectual level. The LLCs were kinda like high school for me, but it has a really high chance of you being happy in it. I am just an outlier I guess. If he wants to meet people then he can choose to join it if he wishes.

I found the classes alright. I mean it’s all on the student to stay on top of their game really. It isn’t a question of difficulty but actually understanding the material and taking the time to pay attention in and out of the classroom.

I actually am an accounting major here at Albany. I transferred to Bing as an accounting major because I’m hinging on the fact that it has a better student environment. But I’m starting to realize they’re really the same. You should know I applied to every other school as an Econ major.

If you got more ask away!

@chrisli75 Thanks for the input. You may be 100% correct. Bing may be alot more intellectually stimulating for you. I personally believe that BING AND ALBANY are on the same level with regards to accounting. Both schools have excellent internship opportunities and the big 4 come to recruit at both universities. Which school is more prestigious overall? Binghamton wins hands down. But I do agree that both schools may be pretty much the same. Overall, I do believe you will get a more intellectual crowd at Bing vs Albany.

Just curious, how many accounting classes have you taken so far? I go on rate my professors for alot of schools and Albany has it share of great accountiing professors and not so good ones. Same goes for Binghamton. But I think that is the case with all schools to be honest. Harvard, Yale, MIT included!!

If you have any professor recommendations in any of all of the subjects you have taken, that would be a help. It may sound crazy, and my son has to get into Albany and Binghamton, but I believe in my heart that if he does get into both universities, it will come down to one of those.

We are visiting BING at the end of the month, so that should be interesting

Again, thanks, and I will not be a pest after this!!

Has anyone received financial package yet and information about the transfer credits?

So I’m still waiting on decisions from two schools, which won’t be released until after May 1. Called Bing up today to ask if it was possible to postpone the deposit due date and they said no. I don’t have hundreds of dollars to spend on deposits for schools I don’t know if I’m attending! That’s why I have all of that financial aid!

Albany was nice to let me postpone the deposit, as I’m waiting to hear back from Penn State. UB hasn’t replied back so I guess I’m not going there. LOL

@euve69 you weren’t a pest, it’s actually better you ask these questions; could help another student applying in the future!

On professors, I really can’t say much honestly. Wherever you go, you’re always going to have to deal with good and bad professors, so it really ultimately comes down to the caliber of the students themselves to follow up with the coursework and to actively engage with the professors. I have not taken any accounting courses yet because my freshmen year was just consisted of getting my core classes over with so I could 1) free up my schedule to take more interesting classes in the future and 2) not be stuck with a 100 level corse for my later college years. Also 3) it’s a good way to boost my gpa haha.

I absolutely loved all my professors to be honest. They were all great and I loved them all for their insight during lectures and their engagement with students. But that was me and I’m a nerd for school. Also these were 100 level courses so I have even less bad things to say. Additionally I’m a freshmen so I haven’t experienced much of college to really answer who is or isn’t good. My advice personally is just to be confident in yourself and your intellectual capabilities where ever you go honestly. Personally I feel that more confident students are able to grasp the material better because they don’t have any negative thoughts hindering them while studying or learning. But that is me. I can’t really speak for everyone that this is truly the case.

You are right with both schools on prestige. But I’m looking for an environment where I can feel happy outside of the classroom on an intellectual and social level. I hope I can find that at Bing.

Please do ask more questions! I really enjoy answering them!