Binghamton Transfer Fall 2016

Has anyone heard of any response for Binghamton as a transfer student for fall 2016?

Not yet. I completed my application on 1/13 and still waiting.

I called the other day about Decker transfer decisions and was told that they would start coming out the beginning of April. Hopefully only a couple more weeks for everyone to start finding out!

Yea same here @FreeSAMple1 and I’m applying to SOM

I heard back Feb 9 after applying Jan 21

Can I ask what is your stats? And wow they replied fast to you. @rachaelmcgovern

@kingwillis_23 I’m in the honors program at my CC so I’m sure that helped a bit.

HS GPA: 3.7
College GPA: 3.5
EC: studied abroad at university of cambridge, member of sigma chi eta (speech honor society), writer/editor for school newspaper
Recs: one from my bio professor and the other from my english prof/advisor/head of the honors program
Applied to Harpur as a bio major