Binghamton U - Economics or Business Finance

I am planning to apply for SUNY Binghamton. Is this a good school for Business or Econ major for the SUNY school? How is Binghamton compare to Macaualy honors Baruch? Thanks

The school is great for business. It is OK for econ too but the SoM is really good especially accounting. In terms of comparing it to baruch it depends. Two very different schools. The SoM program is on the smaller side, it is a more residential type college in a small city upstate. Baruch is more of a commuter school, in manhattan and the business program is larger. In terms of getting a job they are both good however some people like baruch better because they have more chance to have an internship while going to school. It comes down to personal preference.

Business from SOM in top-notch, I would not apply to Bing for Econ unless you are afraid of getting rejected from SOM, as it is harder to get in