Binghamton University vs Stony Brook University

So I was accepted to both Bing and stony and am trying to decide which college to attend. Right now I’m thinking about majoring in political science with a minor in economics(this may change). I wanted to know which school would be better for this. Also, I wanted to know which school is better overall like socially, dorms, etc. I’ve been wracking my brain about which to attend,the pros and cons, I asked my advisor and they’re just like whichever you like they both good. I have visited both and it somewhat helped but now much. so please help me out I’m stuck

Socially, SB is known as a commuter school that really empties out on the weekends. That’s not to say there’s no good social life to be found, but Binghamton has a much more tight-knit community feel.

Depends on what you want. If a lot of your high school friends are going to stony brook and you plan on commuting or at least going home on the weekends, maybe Stony Brook is better. If your friends from high school are coming to bing or if you feel the binghamton community would be a better fit for you, then bing is your answer. For your major though Binghamton is stronger. Stony brook is better with science and engineering and not as strong in the humanities.