<p>I know I will not get into NYU CAS based on my stats; therefore, few days ago I sent the admission office an email saying that I would still be very delighted to attend the LSP program......</p>
<p>Since I applied to the Biochemistry department, the admission office sent me back an email saying that I would definitely not be considered for the LSP program. :(</p>
<p>I'm not going to NYU...it's one of my top choices. T_T</p>
<p>Should I send them back an email saying something like "Although I won't be considered for the LSP, NYU is still my top choice. I would like to attend NYU with no doubt." Am I going to sound too annoying? :(</p>
<p>Can you please post what your email said? </p>
<p>Btw, what is the admission office’s email?</p>
<p>And to CCers giving prospective students advice, please don’t give us bad information…</p>
<p>Ok, I JUST called the admissions office asking if I won’t be considered for LSP since I listed math as my intended major. He says that I will still be considered for the program.</p>
<p>I am so confused…damn it.</p>
<p>^They actually sent me an email saying that I will NOT be considered for the LSP program
they said that SIX majors are not going to be considered for the LSP, and biochemistry is one of them.</p>
<p>What is their email?</p>
<p>Can you please post the email?</p>
<p>Computer Science
Neural Science
Combined BA/DDS program
<p>This is the list that will ‘‘not’’ be considered. oneguy21 put Math and I put Biochemistry and we got different answers from the admission office =,=</p>
<p>^ Ok, just to be clear, you can do these majors with LSP. I know this as a fact because I was in the program and am now double majoring in Chemistry and Neural Science in CAS. I personally know several people who used to be in LSP and are now studying Comp Sci, Biochem, and other “forbidden” majors, and yes those majors are difficult, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have plenty of time to fit them in and additional room for a minor as well!</p>
<p>I can’t say this enough times: people who work at NYU often don’t know what they’re talking about. I understand that as a HS applicant you put your faith in them but as an upperclassmen who has had to deal with crap from LSP Advising and CAS Advising and god forbid the Financial Aid Office for years, i can tell you they’re sometimes full of s hit. </p>
<p>I think you should just relax for now. Worrying isn’t going to help you - either you’ll get into CAS, or you’ll get rejected, or stuck in LSP. I think they’ll still consider you.</p>
<p>^you said that your roomate applied as a computer Sci major and was still put in LSP? Is it really?
I hope it is true…</p>