
<p>How is the science (particularly biology) program?</p>

<p>B U M P</p>


<p>Although definately a well respected program all around the surrounding universities in Texas usually hog all the science related attention.</p>

<p>would you consider baylor as having a better science program</p>

<p>I know about the science program through medical school admissions. I've worked with many medical schools, and they all significantly value the science background of students from TCU. </p>

<p>Some of the major (large) "science schools" -- known for science programs get a lot of professors that lecture constantly on their area of research/expertise instead of truly covering all the basics of that particular course. (Or - it's students in the grad school teaching the undergrad.... when they are already stressed and may be or may not be the best teachers) TCU science classes generally cover everything that will make you successful later on in grad school, health professions, or science fields. They are taught by teachers who know their stuff well and are there to teach.</p>

<p>Also - look at the lecture halls and labs to see differences. I know TCU biology just did a major renovation of things. So, that will help learning. It also has a good number of biology graduates every year (small enough to where everyone will be able to truly be taught and be known in the program but large enought to where there is good discussion and appropriate classes offered).</p>