Birth Control Options at UA

<p>Go to Sams Club and get the huge box…lol…that should provide enough embarrassment. </p>

<p>I don’t recall seeing condoms in bathrooms, but I really have only been in the bathrooms at The Ferg, sons’ dorms, Nott Hall, and Lloyd Hall. Of course, I’ve only been in the women’s bathrooms, perhaps the men’s bathrooms have them???</p>

<p>I know that some of the groups hand them out…in a variety of colors. lol</p>

<p>I haven’t done an extensive tour of the men’s public bathrooms at UA, but I don’t recall seeing any condoms in the one’s that I have visited there and my son had never mentioned seeing any either.</p>

<p>UA’s student health center tells me that condoms are NOT available at the health center. I was surprised by that. Perhaps it’s a regional difference - schools in the Midwest (where all of our other college visits have taken place) have them readily available for students in multiple places. Maybe it’s due to more conservative values in the south. At any rate, this answers my question.</p>

<p>I doubt it has to do with “conservatism in the South.” It likely has to do with the fact that condoms don’t require a Dr. visit or RX. They also don’t supply OTC cold meds and pain meds either.</p>

<p>Since they do prescribe the pill and other Rx BC methods, the “south” thing doesn’t apply. It sounds like they just don’t supply things that don’t require a Rx.</p>

<p>There may be some other locations that have them, I don’t know. It could be that the school just figures kids should pay for them.</p>

<p>Older D goes to school in NOLA and they gave them out upon move in in the student health pack. Had bandaids, condoms, tylenol, etc. I wish all schools did this as a “just in case” measure. Kids dont always think ahead.</p>

<p>I have never seen UA give out condoms for free on campus. Some student groups will give them out and the Supestore might sell them, but one won’t find condoms given out for free by UA employees or for sale in campus restrooms, though I seem to recall some places on the Strip that sell condoms in their restrooms.</p>

<p>For the record, I currently have a 500-pack of condoms in my Shopping cart for $7.00 (no tax). They don’t ship for 4-6 weeks, but would make good giveaways for get on Board Day and also make inexpensive balloons. :slight_smile: I’m tempted to place an order and see if it goes through.</p>

<p>My advice would be to buy some condoms and place them in an area where your son/daughter is likely to notice them, such as a nightstand drawer or their socks/underwear drawer.</p>

<p>When touring colleges a couple of years ago, when doing the dorm visits, there were jars filled with condoms on the bathroom vanity area. This was in Birmingham and New Orleans, so both Southern schools. </p>

<p>For the embarrassed mom, slip them into his toiletry kit that he packs in his suitcase. When he goes to take out his razor or deodorant, he’ll find them there. Whether he uses them himself, or gives them to a friend in need, it’s his business. Just like hurricane supplies, good to have on hand just in case.</p>

<p>The only reason I guessed southern values was that every other school I’ve visited - from NY/CT as far west as IA - there were a great supply in restrooms with colorful posters advocating use of product. Also, the man at the health center seemed a little taken aback that a mother was calling to ask if her son could get a supply of condoms from them. Did not mean to imply anything by my hypothesis. </p>

<p>SEA_Tide - I ordered the box of 500. ;)</p>

<p>Probably the only thing that is “southern values” about it is that the south doesn’t seem to believe in paying for things that people should buy themselves…their own aspirin, kotex, condoms, etc. All those things are needed at various times, but they’re not provided on the taxpayers dime. </p>

<p>Of course, I guess Bama could reduce each scholarship by a few thousand and then hand out a bunch of stuff. Other schools may hand out more freebies, but not give nearly the scholarships. I’ll take the big scholarships and pay the $30 for the big box at Sams.</p>

<p>While I did say I’ve seen free condoms in other school’s restrooms, I never said I thought UA should provide students with free condoms. That being said, I strongly think UA should make them readily available on campus in some manner.</p>

<p>It is worth keeping in mind that UA does give out a lot of free stuff. Along with the requisite pens, individual departments/initiatives give out cup coozies, Pepsi products, food, reusable insulated cups, and hand sanitizer, among many other things. With the new Health Hut that UA strategically places around campus almost every weekday, I’m surprised that there isn’t a box of free condoms. After all, condom manufacturers often subsidize the cost of condoms with the hope that students will remember their name and buy more after college. Even without a manufacturer subsidizing the cost, Amazon sells condoms for less than 10 cents each. Compared to the cost of other “free stuff,” condoms are relatively inexpensive.</p>

<p>You may be interested to know that despite the apparent lack of places to get condoms on campus, UA still managed to rank #38 of 141 on Trojan’s 2011 report of sexual health resources. Auburn was ranked #120. Roll tide.</p>

<p><a href=“Best Type of Condoms for Pleasure & Protection | Trojan™”>Best Type of Condoms for Pleasure & Protection | Trojan™;

<p>Publix is a few steps off campus. I’m sure they are well stocked.</p>

<p>^Yes, but that would mean a shy child (not my son, he is not shy) would have to hand over a box to a cashier to make that purchase. Not only that, but at a lot of stores have those products are locked up, so that would mean talking to two people at the store in order to buy them. Plus if they are not open 24 hours a day, would mean a lot of pre-planning would have to happen. I would much prefer there be some vending machines where a student could make a purchase failrly privately. I do a lot of volunteer work with kids and I know there are kids who would never, ever publicly purchase a box of condoms at a store but would slip a few coins into a vending machine should the need arise (pun intended).</p>

<p>have them make friends with someone at uab…S2 got lots of free ones on campus, they were handed out… as montegut said, southern school :)</p>

<p>SEA_Tide - can you elaborate more on what the Health Hut is? I don’t remember hearing about that before now.</p>

<p>if you are talking about your kids as “kids” and “my shy child”, maybe they are not mature enough to be having sex after all.</p>


<p>My thoughts exactly. Anyone college-aged with the wherewithall to be at the point of having sex with someone, isn’t likely so painfully shy and awkward that he/she can’t get birth control.</p>

<p>The health hut is just a little stand around campus, used by the health center to promote wellness, etc. It moves locations fairly frequently. I usually see it by the Ferg Plaza or over between Smith and Lloyd. People hand out free things and information fliers about whatever health issue the health center is raising awareness of for that week/month. </p>

<p>As a side note, at Target, and most stores in T-town, I have not seen contraceptives locked up. It shouldn’t be any more ‘‘embarrassing’’ to buy a box of contraceptives than it is to buy feminine hygiene products. Just something that shy kids need to get over as an ‘uncomfortable’ fact of life.</p>

<p>D is on BC and we have a mail order program through our insurance so we will just have it mailed to her. </p>

<p>However I agree with others, if they are to embarrassed/shy to buy condoms then maybe sex is not the the best idea?? Plus I am not sure they are very likely to use it if they are willing to buy it.</p>