<p>I'm sorry to post this here but I cannot access plebe-net or my email on my blocked computer at work. I remember last summer on plebe-net there were a number of suggestions for different cake companies that will send birthday cakes to cadets. Any suggestions or recommendations? I really appreciate it. Thanks!</p>
[url=<a href=“http://www.loveacadet.com/]Love”>http://www.loveacadet.com/]Love</a> A Cadet](<a href=“http://www.cadetscakesandcookies.com/index.htm]Home[/url”>http://www.cadetscakesandcookies.com/index.htm)</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.spectacularsweets.com/[/url]”>http://www.spectacularsweets.com/</a></p>
<p>Last year I ordered from Cadets, Cakes and Cookies. The link above is [url=<a href=“http://www.cadetscakesandcookies.com/index.htm]Home[/url”>http://www.cadetscakesandcookies.com/index.htm]Home[/url</a>] and I heard that all the cadets loved it. I’ll order again this year for her birthday and also for a graduation cake in May.</p>
<p>I just ordered the “Army of One” cookie from Cadets, Cakes and Cookies. It looks like a jumbo cadet! </p>
<p>They are even going to email me a picture of it before they deliver it. How cool!</p>
<p>Thanks for the info. I have bookmarked them in my office computer, where I spend most of my time, for future reference.</p>
<p>as a follow up we have had great success with CadetsCakesandCookies --different occasions; brownies etc … always worked well</p>