
<p>I was accepted to VT today through the CC on site admissions.. Very excited!
I have completed Calc and Analytic Geo I and taking II and PHYS I this semester.. The way i see it i can either do an engr track or go into Pamplins BIT program. BIT is what my admissions packet has on it... </p>

<p>My question is, does anyone know how the job placement is with the BIT program? will i ever have to worry about finding a job... my brother is a tech ME grad and lives in waikiki..... i'd like to be in a somewhat similar situation...</p>

<p>Can i accomplish this with a BIT degree with a possible masters in a related technology field???</p>

<p>thank you thank you</p>

<p>Congratulations! Can't help you with the BIT, but if you do well, don't see why you would have any problem finding great job anywhere.</p>

<p>I do know that if you do well in engineering you'll get a job. No clue on BIT though.</p>

<p>You say you'll be taking Phys I. If at all possible get Chang as your professor. He's the only good physics professor for Phys I (unless they changed things) and he's one of the best I've had here at Tech.</p>

<p>I echo Chuy about the Physics. My s had Chang for his first semester Physics and really liked him.</p>