Black high school class of 2017!

Congratz to everyone that got in early! Currently I’ve applied to a couple of UCs (All but Riverside and Merced), USC, and Hampton. I’m working on the privates currently. Princeton, Columbia, UPenn, Yale, Harvard, Northwestern, Stanford, Duke, Howard and Spelman are the remaining ones on my list to apply to. I’m pretty much excited. Regardless I know I have to get in to a UC (the whole top 9% of the class assurance thing) but I have a good feeling that I have a shot at getting into one of these schools as well. Might cut my list down though since I’m not getting fee waivers. Is anyone applying as a computer science major? I’m applying as a compsci major but the BA one for the most part because I think it best combines with my interest in double majoring in Econ or CogSci. Also I’m trying to do grad school.