African American class of 2017!!!

<p>im new to CC, so i wanted to see how many other black feshman there is on here. how is your year going so far? any AP/advanced classes this year or your sophomore year? any clubs your in? dream colleges?</p>

<p>for me, my year is going great, but the fourth quarter is the hardest since i have my AP human geography exam TOMMOROW and FINAL EXAMS NEXT WEEK. only good thing is you can exempt 3 final exams if you have a 90% or higher in the class and been in school everyday. next year im taking advanced english, and spanish, with AP euro. my clubs are national FFA organization, Future business leaders of america, and golf. i hope to get into dartmouth, or a top liberal arts college. my gpa is kinda low 3.8 the first semester and probably 3.7-3.8 for my second semester. im going to try to maintain a 4.0 now on.</p>

<p>Finally, another black freshman! My school just started AP exams, but we aren’t allowed to take any APs as freshman and we still have another month of school left…not excited for next year. I’m taking AP Chem and AP Euro ( I know I am an underachiever) because I have only a 3.85-3.9 or so. All my friends have 4.0s and are taking loads of APs and I feel so dumb around them… Next year I’m joining more clubs. Badminton Club, Spanish Culture Club, Orchestra Club, National History Society, Spanish Honor Society, SCA, Young Politicians Club, Cinematic Analysis and Appreciation Club (we just watch movies lol) and we are starting an Extreme Couponing Club and maybe a Black Student Union (yeah!). My mom really wants me to go to UVA(she loves the school, idk why). I want to go to Vanderbilt, Duke, Brown, UPenn, or maybe Dartmouth.</p>

<p>Wow. I feel like this is a family reunion of some sort. Another black freshie reporting here. This year I’m in AP Human Geography too! I didn’t realize that people actually took that class. I have a 4.2 right now which will probably teeter with finals next week, but I’m hoping for the best. This year was my weakest year academically, dealing with moving halfway across the country and dealing with the repercussions as well. But next year is the light at my tunnel. Honor Algebra 2, Honors Chem, Honor English 2, Spanish 3, AP Euro. Next year I plan to add more EC’s. I play JV lacrosse right now. I made newspaper for next year and plan on joining Key Club, Speech, Black Student Alliance,Spanish Cub and Model UN. My dream colleges would have to be NYU, Northwestern and Columbia.</p>

<p>Oh gosh. Y’all are so cute!! If you have any questions feel free to ask me! I’m a rising senior :)</p>