African American Class of 2014: 2

<p>Hey, somebody else might say that I'm "hijacking the thread", however I have valuable reasons. Well just one... THE OTHER ONE IS TOO LONG!I don't have anything specific to talk about, but somebody else can start it out. What schools are you applying to? Where are you from?</p>

<p>I’m from New York and I want to major in nursing ultimately going to grad school and becoming a nurse anesthetist. What about you? I’m applying to about 15 schools just to be on the safe side although my gpa is a 90.</p>

<p>I’m from NC and I want to major in Accounting,eventually get my masters. I’m probably going to apply to between 8-12 schools. My GPA unweighed is a 3.9 and weighted is a 4.6. What does a (90) convert to?</p>

<p>A 90 would probably be a 3.3-3.4 I’m not sure since we don’t convert to a 4.0 scale</p>

<p>Oh ok how are New York Schools?</p>

<p>NYC schools have its ups and downs. My school is health career centered and has programs that train us for the medical field…what made you interested in accounting?</p>

<p>It’s a family thing, but I’ve always loved math and I am good at it. I took an accounting class this past year and I’m pretty sure I got the highest score on the exam. Plus, the money. What about you?</p>

<p>So…I have been told again and again that SAT/ACT scores will matter way more than grades. Reason? An ‘A’ at one school that is not highly competitive and does not have numerous kids historically headed to tops colleges could be a ‘B’ at a nationally ranked high school with true rigor and filled with top notch students.
Bad news for me as my grades are great (and I am at a college prep competitive school where 99% of graduates go on to college, some Ivys each year)…but my scores are SAT under 2000 and ACT just under 30. GRrrrrr. Studying like a motha for those bad boys at the end of this summer. Gotta get 'em UP!</p>


<p>Me too! I have excellent grades, it’s just the tests that are getting me, for my first time I didn’t do too bad though…</p>

<p>I’ve taken the SAT twice and got a 1610 both tines! -__- I got a 1060(CR+M) good for state schools but I’m studying like crazy for the ACT this summer</p>

<p>I’ve only taken it one time, got a 1700(1130 for critical reading&math) and got a 24 on act. I’m hoping for a 27 on ACT and maybe 1800-2000 for SAT. Haven’t studied a bit!</p>

<p>-___- so lets start with I’m the common slacker who regrets it all now :frowning: but i am gonna run my stats and hopefully you guys can give me some good colleges I could try to apply to I would be so grateful. GPA uw: 2.8 :frowning: GPA w: 4.0 sat: 1750 act:27 i am gonna retake both hopefully do better and top 40%. I am first generation and Haitian with a single mom. I have been getting letters from colleges but I doubt they mean anything so any suggestions would be appreciated and I live in Florida so I qualify for bright futures.</p>

<p>Your stats aren’t that bad actually.I suggest you try looking into some HBCU’s , Florida State, Florida International…it’s all based on how far you want to travel</p>

<p>Can anyone help with weighted GPA? I have questions such as how high does it go, how to calculate it, and what does it stand for?</p>

<p>I understand that unweighted gpa’s can only go to 4.0…but the true weighted GPA is never on the transcript in this form. I see a lot of people with 4.3s and 4.4s…how do I calculate this?</p>

<p>AP classes are 6,0
Honors classes are 5.0
Regular classes are 4.0</p>

<p>As far as your scores, this is not the type of thread that’s going to down anybody about their scores. As far as your scores, there are a lot of places where a 27 ACT will get you scholarships…</p>

<p>Oh and yeah i doubt the letters mean anything because i get them too and one time i got one from harvard which i know means nothing…</p>

<p>Well I really wanna go to FSU or UCF which are in state and Saint Johns university which is outta state. My CR+M is 1280 if that helps anymore.</p>

<p>Ill look those up…</p>