black male tennis players???

<p>rc251: The KKK believes there is something inherently different about races, something different which leads them to think they are superior and others are inferior.
With ethnicity polls and race-based affirmative action however it is not in existence because people believe there is something intrinsically different about "underrepresented minorities" it is due to the admittance and realization that "underepresented minorities" have been oppressed for some time in this country. Due to this throughout centuries our ancestors have not been afforded the same opportunities that Caucasians have to build an educated, thriving home, therefore these minorities are automatically starting the race 30 yards behind.
To say there is something intrinsically different about a certain group of people leads us to having affirmative action leads to they belief of "intrinsically different" equalling "inferior" and we need Affirmative Action to give these inferior people a hand because they are lesser than or do not innately have what they need to succed.
I'm sure you have a great understanding of this I just was thinking in the shower (as we all know is where you do your best thinking) and I realized something about your post made me feel as though minorities were given affirmative action as a token since their an inferior race. I felt compelled to respond even though I know you in no way meant that, this is really just meant to provide a better understanding of "inherent differences" among races.