Block plan and double majoring?

I’ve gotten really excited about Colorado College in my early search, and I think I could work with the block plan. My only hesitation is that I’ve been thinking about double majoring for a while now, and I’m worried how that would go at CC. What portion of the student body double majors, about? I know there are a set number of classes you can fit in a year, so is it a stretch, or is it manageable? I ask about completing in four years, as adding another year probably won’t be financially beneficial for me.

Hi @tensummers,

Double-majoring on the block plan is definitely doable! I have talked to plenty of people that are double-majors…If you’re willing to share, what two majors were you thinking?

(And yes, be excited about CC - it’s a great place.) :smiley:

Hi! Thanks for your response – that’s good to know. I’m not sure about anything yet, but I’ve been thinking about double majoring in creative writing and music, as those are my two biggest interests right now and I’d love to study both.

Solid combo - I’ve heard great things from my creative writing major friends and my music major friends - both of those majors don’t have a crazy amount of requirements either, which is good news for you if you do end up going with those two…

It’s probably still early in your college search - but if you have any questions about CC, feel free to shoot me a message anytime ! (I just graduated)

Great! It’s nice to know that my options will still be open even with the block plan. It is really early on for me (I’m a rising junior), but that means I’ll probably have more questions as I move forward. Thanks so much!

Look at the requirements for each major you are interested in pursuing. I was a history major (many years ago) even though I was able to fulfill all the requirements for vet school. While not a double major per se it was definitely possible to study two very different tracts. Good luck with your college search, and I hope you get to visit CC!

Thanks for the advice! Those are really different areas – sounds like an awesome school that lets you do a lot.