Blount residence hall

<p>I am not familiar with any of the residence halls except the one we saw when we visited the campus (I think it was Ridgecrest which was really nice !) My son got into a 2 bedroom suite in Blount - I don’t know anything about it. Does anyone have any info on it? Can you tell me if it’s nice? Pros? Cons (if any)? Thanks!</p>

<p>Is your son going to be doing Blount? </p>

<p>I haven’t been in Blount, but it’s rather new so it’s probably very nice. It’s not a regular honors dorm. I don’t think the students don’t have private bedrooms.</p>

<p>The “con” might be that 4 kids share one bathroom. But the toilet is separate and the shower is separate so that makes it easier for more than one person to use it at a time.</p>

<p>Actually I don’t know anything about the Blount program - as far as I know he isn’t doing Blount - his selection date wasn’t until the 26th but he met a few kids on Facebook who were looking for roommates and one of them had his selection time last night. They got into Blount - I didn’t even know it was an Honors dorm. I guess he is eligible to be in there or his proxy code wouldn’t have been accepted into it right? We looked it up last night and saw that they aren’t private bedrooms - there are 2 kids in 1 one bedroom and you do share a bathroom with 4 guys. I think he originally wanted a 4 BR suite with private bedrooms but he seems fine with it. I wasn’t sure if it was good location and close to dining halls, football stadium etc. It’s kind of hard to tell from that campus map. Thanks for any input!</p>

<p>It’s close enough to Lakeside Dining Hall. It’s on the north side of campus, so not real close to the stadium, but that can be a good thing! Less noise and traffic! We often walk from the stadium to Ridgecrest S (which is next to Blount) and it’s an easy walk. The Crimson Ride will also take you there.</p>

<p>If you look at this map … <a href=“http://img.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/v133/feenotype/0qAJj-cropped.jpg[/url]”>http://img.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/v133/feenotype/0qAJj-cropped.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If you start at the upper left corner of the black line, you’ll see trees. Then, moving right, you’ll see Ridgecrest South (big bldg right below the line), then moving right again, you’ll see Blount.</p>

<p>Ridgecrest West and East are right above RS and Blount. And Lakeside W and E are above that small lake that you can barely see from this angle.</p>

<p>Thanks mom2 - I’m sure it will be great! I’m just glad to know he has a room and the selection is over with!!!</p>

<p>Interestingly enough there may a back door to the housing selection sytem. Blount is a Living Learning Community. All the Blount Freshman are required to take two Blount Classes both Fall and Soring semesters (Convocation and Origins/Vissions.) The Origins/Visions classes as well as Blount English are taught in the Blount dorm’s classrooms.
When my daughter signed on for housing the screen only offered her the Blount dorm and she used a proxy code to pull in a roommate who she was also in Blount. But I’m wondering if the system actually knows to disregard a proxy code because the proxy isn’t in the LLC? Hmmmm.
But the great thing about Blount is that its designed to encourage interaction among the students. Lots of communal spaces where both larger and smaller gatherings of students can take place. There is a resident professor - this year Cornelius Carter, dance professor and the Director of Alabama Dance! and several of the Blount professors have their offices on the first floor of the dorm.
All in all should be a wonderful academic and social community and experience.</p>

<p>Well I just called called Housing and they said he has to do the program if he is living there…so I called Blount office and left a message to see whether or not it is a mistake that he is in there. He never filled any applications out so I am assuming he isn’t in the program but I am surprised his proxy code was accepted if he isn’t. The woman in housing did say that if he isn’t then his room selection may be voided…waiting to hear back from the Blount office…I am sure glad I posted my original question because I wouldn’t have known about any of this!</p>

<p>In the past, non-Blounties have been able to live in Blount as the building was not full. That said, I don’t know how many people living in Blount rush. Blount is not an Honors Dorm, but students in the Blount Program, officially Blount Undergraduate Initiative, have been allowed to move into Honors residence halls. However, those that were not in the BUI were not allowed to do so. Of course, if your son is living off campus after his first year, the point is moot.</p>


<p>So if he lives there as a “non-Blount” freshman does that me has to stay there or can he live in another “non-honors” dorm next year? He is planning on rushing but we certainly have no idea where he would be living next year…j</p>

<p>Since he wouldn’t be a member of a living-learning community, he would have to reapply for housing with the knowledge that he might be put on a waitlist to see if spaces become available. UA Housing would have more info on these policies.</p>

<p>Blount showed up as an option for my son also. He selected it, but he also has not applied to the Blount Initiative. I sent an email to housing to see if he was eligible to live there. They replied that he was. I am a little confused.</p>

<p>From what I’ve been told, the Blount residence hall is not at capacity and thus the 4th floor of the building is used as overflow space for students not in the Blount Undergraduate Initiative. I would however get written confirmation from UA Housing that your son would be eligible to live in honors housing in future years if he so desires.</p>

<p>Thanks. That is a good idea. He is on the fourth floor.</p>

<p>My daughter is in the honors program and will also be in the Blount dorm. However, she had to be accepted to Blount for this. She just completed her orientation where we learned the campus is 300 beds short right now and they are working to resolve this. Having said this, honors students can live in Ridgecrest and Lakeside. These are, in my opinion, the nicest on campus. each student has a private bedroom and shares a bath with one other. 4 room mates, 2 baths, living area and kitchen (not full but decent). Blount is set up similar to a typical suite EXCEPT … there is a private hallway from the main hallway. this hall is for the 2 bedrooms and bathroom. So, The bathroom is off of this hallway. sounds strange, but kind of convenient in that it will cut down on noise. The bathrooms have a private toilet and the shower is pretty private as well.
You do not have to be in honors to live in Blount. You do have to be in honors to live in the honors dorm.
HINT from orientation… do not bring red sheets. they rub off on the walls ;)</p>

<p>I know personally a couple kids not in the Blount Program who are staying on the 4th floor of Blount Hall. I think whoever you asked was misinformed because there are still spaces in Blount and usually the 4th floor is almost exclusively non-Blount.</p>