
<p>Any word on when acceptance letters into the Blount program will go out? Thanks.</p>

<p>No letter on Blount acceptance in our house yet but if you go into DegreeWorks where it lists the student’s major and basic info there is a block entitled “Special Programs.” For D that block was filled in with “Blount Undergraduate Initiative.” Since this wasn’t anything D did, we took that as a good sign and she registered for the 5/31-6/1 Bama Bound.</p>

<p>“No letter on Blount acceptance in our house yet but if you go into DegreeWorks where it lists the student’s major and basic info there is a block entitled “Special Programs.” For D that block was filled in with “Blount Undergraduate Initiative.” Since this wasn’t anything D did, we took that as a good sign and she registered for the 5/31-6/1 Bama Bound.”</p>

<p>I just checked mine and it said the same thing. I noticed IHP and the Honors program were in there as well and I know for sure that I’ve been accepted into those two. I’m hoping this means good news as far as Blount goes. I’m hoping we get the official news soon, as I know Blount has limited scholarships that are given out based off requests and I didn’t want to jump the gun by asking for one without knowing if I got accepted or not. Best of luck to both of you! I’m sure you have nothing to worry about and now it’s just a matter of counting down the days until the good news finally comes.</p>

<p>One of my friends checked DegreeWorks and Blount was shown on her page as well :)</p>


<p>I don’t see Special Programs listed on DegreeWorks… not even HP for which I received a letter.</p>

<p>Have any of you sent your enrollment deposit? I have not.</p>

<p>I haven’t sent my enrollment deposit in yet either and it took some clicking around earlier to find it, but once you get to DegreeWorks through the Academics tab a little chart with you information should show up. Special Programs was in my second column and towards the middle right under Alternate Pin Cleared. Sorry if I just made things more confusing, but this is how I saw it! I hope it helps.</p>

<p>Thank you, again! I think my account was updated overnight cause Blount/HP is in DegreeWorks now. </p>

<p>I checked with the office a couple of days ago and found out that letters are being mailed this week. I haven’t registered yet and not sure if I can make the 5/31-6/1 date.</p>

<p>I’ve been hearing nothing but good news when it comes to the Blount interviews! Most of the kids from my interview group kept in touch with each other and we’re all happy to hear that no one has been turned down just yet! Also, I can vouch for several people who’ve been accepted to the Blount program, but are most likely attending a different school. Hopefully this means that more kids will recieve acceptance letters soon! Wishing you guys luck and be sure to let us know where you get the good news!!</p>

<p>The actual invitation letter arrived yesterday at our house. My D was thrilled. This means she’s definitely Bama Bound. Yesterday was also the first time she saw the 2012 audition information posted on-line for Crimson Cabaret.</p>

<p>D was excited when she received her acceptance letter on Monday but has decided to wait until she hears from her first and second choice schools.</p>

<p>Sorry to bump this but curious minds want to know: does anyone have an idea of how many students apply to Blount, how many get interviews and how many are accepted? It seems that we have a good idea about UF and CBHP and I haven’t heard this numbers for BUI.
Thanks :)</p>

<p>It’s not too late to put the down payment on dorms in the Blount dormitory, right?</p>

<p>I don’t think so.</p>

<p>But aren’t you a NMF? If so, then you can be in honors housing for free.</p>

<p>If you were accepted to Blount then there will be room for you in the Blount dorm, since it is a requirement of the living-learning program that all Blount freshmen live in the Blount dorm. If your scholarship covers housing costs then it covers the housing costs in Blount as well.</p>

<p>From the information that was given on the tour to parents during the interviews, if a student wanted to live on campus all four years (most don’t), there was enough room for all those upperclass students that wished to remain in the Blount dorm. </p>

<p>Which makes since since the numbers thrown around were 100-120 Freshmen to start the program each year and 180 bed spaces. That leaves space enough for soph-senior Blount students. My group did meet a senior and a sophomore that were living in Blount and weren’t RAs.</p>

<p>thanks a bunch! yeah, i was a little concerned that maybe my NMF scholarship wouldn’t cover the Blount dorms. Thanks for clearing that up!</p>