<p>Do you think it is worth it to copy down words I don't know in the Blue Book practice problems? I am tight on time for when I take the SAT and want to know if knowing the words in random problems will be helpful?</p>
<p>Are they likely to show up on the test somehow?</p>
<p>I am talking just random problems, not even ones in the practice tests. I don't want to waste my time if there is no chance they will show up in the tests.</p>
<p>You have no idea what words the College board can throw at you. That being said, they have about 2000 words (I think that’s the number) which they expect you to know and are the ones you are most likely to see. I would suggest you know every word you can, I mean, it can only help you.</p>
<p>Buy the “Direct Hits” vocabulary books, I used it to study, and I got a 800 on the sentence completion part of my Critical reading score. I also found that coming up with funny ways to remember words and making stories up for words helped me remember them.</p>
<p>I guess I am just a connoisseur (I used an SAT word :)) for words! Haha
Anyway good luck studying, and just try to also use them in your essays and everyday language to get used to using them.</p>
<p>It’s more like 8000, but most people already know 2000-4000.</p>
<p>The first three sentence completion of each section isnt the problem. I memorized zero words for my first SAT, got 12/19. 150 from the SAT hit parade for the second and still got 12/19. Now im ot about 500 with two months left. Hoping for 2000+ words.
And mnemonics are definitely the way to go</p>