Book help? Please?

<p>I'm taking Intro Bus Intro Sys next year which is ACIS 1504 with professor Lacoste. On the Tech bookstore website it says "ACIS 1504: CONCEPTS & APPLICATIONS (W/ I-CLICKER 2 REBATE)" which is apparently required and then "I-CLICKER 2" which I also need to buy. So, does that mean I have to buy this from the university bookstore because i need a specific I-clicker thing? and do i need 2 i clickers? I'm also taking mastering Astronomy PHYS 1055 with professor arav and the first thing says "COSMIC PERSPECTIVE/MSTRNG. ASTRONOMY/ICLICKER" which is required and then there are optional purchases of cosmic perspective (w/cd) and also mastering astronomy access code.. so do I need to get all 3 of those things or could I get the used book and buy the access code somewhere else.. and what is that cd thing..? and do i need this iclicker if im getting one already for my ACIS class? Im just reallyy confused! please help!</p>

<p>You only need one. Get the iClicker 2, that will work with both classes.</p>