Books and access code

<p>Would someone explain about the process of buying access code and books at Purdue please:
1) Do all books have access code?
2) Should we wait for classes to start and the professors to tell us what book and access code to buy ?
3) Is Webassign the only online place to buy access code ?
4) Does it matter if you buy printed copies or ebooks ? Do you still need to buy access code either way ?</p>

<p>No, access codes are only for courses with online materials. Not all do.</p>

<p>Yes, you should, it would help you save money.</p>

<p>No, Webassign is primarily for Math classes I believe. The codes will come with your book, or your book should tell you where you can buy a code (if you bought it used). Sometimes, buying a used book and a code is pretty expensive by itself though.</p>

<p>Usually the access code should come bundled with the purchase. Unless you buy something used. Then you need to buy it separately.</p>

<p>What is the access code for though?</p>

<p>Access codes are usually for online resources and online homework. As in, you won’t be able to do your online homework unless you have the code. Talk to your professor/ shoot them an email if you’re confused.</p>