
<p>Anyone else unable to get the books for spring to pull up?</p>

<p>I took care of books a while ago, but I went on to myBama and it is as you say - the books are not listed. You could always go to the SupeStore website. At the bottom of the homepage, there is a place where you can look up your books by class.</p>

<p>I just went onto mybama and the book list came up when I searched. It did take an extra minute to load. It may have been down for awhile and is now back up.</p>

<p>Thanks…we ordered books a while ago too. But one prof changed the book this week, and we wanted to make sure all of the others were correct. He did go to the sip store finally, but much slower process than the normal check your books button at the bottom of the schedule!!</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>I hate the way colleges handle books. Not only did one Prof change books just last week (which I understand happens sometimes), but another class son just went to he found out he needs a book not listed at all on the sups store site, and needs to have it read by next class. It is not clear if it is even available at the sups store. </p>

<p>No email in his email with a book list either, and no Syllabus posted on blackboard with a book list. So in 48 hours, he needs to get the 450 page book from somewhere and have it read for class. Crazy.</p>

<p>Is this for Psych? My S’s class is having difficulties with that one. We still could not get book list to load directly from mybama earlier this week, so I told my S he is now on his own down there and he has to just go with the flow and search manually, or go in person to order.</p>

<p>Was the book change last week a CS class? D had the same problem and we had already gotten the initial required book. We figured out the reason, the professor who will be teaching the class was changed and he must prefer a different book.</p>

<p>My D is also registered for an Honors Psych class that still doesn’t have a book listed. She’ll find out tomorrow in class I guess :)</p>

<p>We had the change in the cs book too, which I understand because of the change in Prof. But this is for an Honor’s class that has been going on for years with the same Prof.</p>