Boston College Class of 2027 Official Thread

Agree. Good move from UMass Amherst.

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Just out of curiosity, would you have needed money, or full pay? Same thing happened to my D, and we are not full pay.


Not sure
my son got 4 years of housing. He’ll be at CSOM.

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Most admitted students get three years of housing. It used to be that the top 5%-10% of the
admitted class was given four years of housing. The majority of BC juniors study abroad for a semester and rent houses/apartments for the other semester. Seniors move back onto campus and live in mods. It really does not matter if you receive three or four.

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Congratulations to all accepted students! Well-earned recognition among an exceptionally qualified field of applicants! Boston College clearly values both Merit and Diversity! #GoEagles

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Son is a freshman in the HCE program. I was hesitant as it’s such a new program but he absolutely loves it. He has no regrets and couldn’t be happier.

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My son also met with head of engineering program before he decided to apply ED1 last year. He couldn’t be happier with the program.

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Please don’t respond to hidden posts, as they will be deleted


@RamDass - Rather than laying blame at the feet of “very competitive schools” (who, by the very definition are very competitive and face the difficult task of extending a fixed number of acceptances among largely unprecedented numbers of applicants), might it be “we” as parents who “devalue” our children’s accomplishments if we equate their “Merit” to the ranking (as decreed by magazines and websites) of the school to which they are accepted? Isn’t it a more disturbing commentary on America that some parents admit to spending THOUSANDS of hours obsessing over the perceived relative advantages of one university degree over another in the belief that the name on the door is determinative of the future of the student who walks through it?


Often when students get four years of housing, they decline a year because it is common to live off campus junior year and return to campus senior year. They used to offer four to nursing majors.

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Will your child be at the April 16 the accepted student event? My daughter (also accepted Hce) emailed the head of engineering and he is apparently going to be there to meet the cohort. She has been accepted to other traditional engineering programs but nowhere else has had this level of responsiveness. Seems very special. Anxious to see how the 16th goes.


Seriously. Our kids won’t be failures in life if they “have to” go to a university ranked lower than what our mindset was going into all of this.

Besides, if people do want to think of where their kids end up going to college as some sort of marking of merit, they can rest assured that every other parent who’s gone through the process and seen the brutal math involved knows that your child at Kenyon or Villanova or whatever other school we wouldn’t have deigned worthy of a safety application in 1991 is exceptional. Attending an amazing school like those IS indicative of great merit. 3.6M kids will get high school diplomas 6 weeks from now.

When we think of all of the various factors out there that are influencing the landscape right now, everyone focuses on test optional and different prioritizations in admissions offices. But those are de minimus compared to (i) significantly increased access to the resources necessary for qualified, extremely smart kids without 1%'er/legacy parents to both navigate the admissions road and then afford expensive private universities (which, IMHO, is the very opposite of a “disturbing” commentary on America), and (ii) the biggest one by far, the fact that there are 40% more high school seniors now than there were when their parents were 18. The class sizes at the top schools have basically been static over the same time period. Even disregarding all the other factors, a profile at the median of applicants accepted to, I don’t know, Georgetown 30 years ago, just by the math alone, is in the middle of acceptances at a place like Case Western or Tulane nowadays.

There are also 40% more financial services and legal and medical profession jobs now than there were when we entered the workforce. They can’t fill all those highly prestigious, merit-reflecting, ego stroking “respectable” professions with just recruits from T20 schools anymore.


what was her #1?

We attended admitted student days at both. Villanova had a very well voiced school spirit on display. BC had a great, lower key, yet impressive opening presentation. The professor info sessions at BC were both exceptional for our daughter (Math and International Studies). I didn’t feel like one or the other was more religious and our daughter is a practicing Catholic.

Due to scheduling, we ended up with more time at BC and met more students on our own who were impressive, thoughtful and purposeful. These schools came off as very different for our daughter. Both are great schools and both have lovely campuses. The college vibe in Boston overall is an added benefit and it appears that both offer little to no merit aid.

I ended up going to both admitted student days as well. The school spirit at villanova was outstanding, but the info session for physics was much better at BC. I committed to BC at the end of the day!


Any update on the waitlist?

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My son got an offer last week

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Didn’t they say there would be no activity prior to May 1?