Boston College Class of 2027 Official Thread

Can you share what school he applied to?

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Hi, we were there what did you think? Is she going to BC? We are at week 7 for orientation.

Curious if anyone else from the waitlist heard?


College of Arts and Sciences

Has anyone else heard?? We are still waiting

all quiet here. local rep wrote back to acknowledge waitlist materials received and that they just started looking at WL this week and to expect a long wait this summer. Very low hopes.

Thank you for the info.

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Question: is that “very low hopes” your assessment or theirs? Doing the math over here is looks like they offered 5511 kids a spot. Based on an unlikely robust increase in the 33% yield rate from last year to say 38% - doesn’t that mean 2094 kids enrolled for a class projected to be 2300? While that is only ~200 spots from a list of ~4500 on waitlist, it is more than last year.

That was solely my assessment and not the BC rep. Your math is slightly reassuring. I heard from someone involved at the school that they do expect more movement this year but that was before May 1st

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Heard this year’s yield was 39%

Thanks - good to know. Would still leave ~150 spots versus something like 50 last year, so in the glass half full scenario, there’s that.

Has anyone received any waitlist responses from BC this week, specifically the Lynch School?


Does anybody know the chances of getting of the Lynch waitlist, because they only accept 116 students?
Do we think all the spots are taken?

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Wondering if there’s been any movement off the waitlist. Has anyone gotten in yet off the waitlist?

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Interested as well


Me too


Has anyone emailed/ asked admissions about the waitlist?

Last I heard from admissions was that they were still evaluating their enrollment needs. That was late last week.

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My daughter heard that too.

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