Boston College displays crucifixes

<p>Silly me. I thought crucifixes would be common place on a Catholic campus. Apparently they're unwelcome. </p>

<p>Boston</a> College in the crosshairs -</p>

<p>(Please move or delete if this is old news.)</p>

<p>“Do you think Jesus is ever going to want to another see a cross when he comes back? It’s like going up to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendant” - Bill Hicks</p>

<p>I think that’s ridiculous, it’s a private, Catholic, Jesuit institution. They have every right to hang crucifixes.</p>

<p>(I must admit, the above quote is hilarious!)</p>

<p>religion poisons everything</p>

<p>I don’t get what the big controversy is…If you don’t want religious symbols in the classroom, don’t work at or attend a religious school. It’s not like BC is actively trying to convert anyone with these crucifixes.</p>

<p>People make such a big deal about these things. If I went to a predominately Jewish or Muslim school for example, I wouldn’t be offended if we had important, religious symbols displayed in the room. It comes with the territory. Why get offended? If it bothers you that much, maybe you are attending/teaching at the wrong school. There are plenty of schools that aren’t affiliated with certain religions.</p>

<p>This is ridiculous. BC is a private Catholic school. If you choose to attend or work there, you must accept this. No, you do not have to accept the Catholic religion. But you must accept their right to “display” their religion in various ways. If you cannot accept this, then attend or work elsewhere. </p>

<p>My family is not Catholic. But we looked at Catholic schools for our kids. We fully expected that there would be Catholic symbols displayed and even expected religious classes to be mandatory. We never would have thought to demand that this not be the case just for us. If we couldn’t live with it, our child would not apply.</p>

<p>How arrogant of some people.</p>

<p>God Bless Boston College and ALL the Jesuit and other Roman Catholic Colleges. To the people who are offended by Christianity and any of its sacred symbols, then I suggest you attend a secular institution and spend your time watching monkeys procreate.</p>

<p>I mean really! The constant attack by the liberal effetes on the Institutions of our Society is scurrilous. Basta!</p>

<p>BC definitely has the right to hang whatever it wants on it’s walls…but I can understand why enrolled non-Christian students/professors might feel the way they do…just seeing both sides; please do not attack me…</p>

<p>But BC has to understand that they are putting themselves back in the position of being 100% Christian again…prospective Jewish candidates may or may not be put off by this…even though they might understand why it was done…</p>

<p>have no idea about BC’s demographic diversity goals…</p>

<p>maybe they don’t care…who knows? but I repeat, they have every right as a private, Jesuit Catholic to do whatever they want…</p>

<p>I agree with Rodney; I’d expect them to get fewer atheists, Jews, and those of other religions to apply after this. They have the right to put crucifixes up, but it goes against the inclusive nature of the Jesuits and will reduce their diversity.</p>

<p>I go to Georgetown and we have crucifixes is most of the classrooms. It’s never been a problem here that I know of. However, they aren’t hung in the Intercultural Center and we have one building without them that is solar powered through government grants.</p>

<p>rodney-- i also understand why enrolled non-Christian students/professors might feel the way they do. But they should have thought of that before enrolling/ joining the work force.</p>

<p>IF BC encouraged current students to enroll and current professors to accept teaching positions based on a fully nonsectarian doctrine, then I would understand the indignation.</p>

<p>morris: totally uninvolved in BC, but from what I can glean, these crosses were just placed… how could they have “thought of that b4 enrolling or joining”? with a Hillel branch on campus?</p>

<p>Aren’t there other originally Jesuit colleges around the country where while not “fully nonsectarian”, would cause an even bigger stir if this occurred? For some reason, Emory comes to mind, but please correct me…I’m, not really versed in this…</p>

<p>btw, don’t most schools say they are non-sectarian???</p>

<p>This controversy is ridiculous, and that is coming from a gay atheist. </p>

<p>Hey, guess what. I wouldn’t be going to BC anyway. Why would I go to one of the few colleges where the majority of the student body believes that I’m damning myself to hell when there are thousands of liberal ones to choose from?</p>

<p>There are also crucifixes in classrooms at Georgetown and Notre Dame.</p>

<p>Rodney…this move is creating publicity. and publicity will draw in applications.</p>

<p>Doesn’t BC suck anyways?</p>

<p>Coming from a guy with ‘Rutgers’ in his name…</p>

<p>Coming from somebody in Mississippi…</p>

<p>And what does that have to do with college?</p>