<p>I'm confused b/c on collegeboard.com it says BC needs the ACT score report by Jan 1 yet I don't even have my Dec. scores yet? I haven't sent BC any ACT scores yet...what do I do...do I rush report all of them or what!? AHH What about other schools that need my scores by the 10th or 15th...do I have to rush report all of them?</p>
<p>It said the same thing for one of my colleges. I called the college and they said it was fine, no need to rush report. I’m not applying to Boston College, so it might be different, but I think most colleges are fine with scores not arriving on the application date, since they accept December scores (which pretty much all arrive after the date w/o/ rush reporting). My guess (and this is just a guess) is that if a college doesn’t tell Collegeboard exactly when SAT/ACT scores should be sent by, Collegeboard just assumes it’s the same as the application date. You might want to call Boston college just to be sure though.</p>