Boston University RISE Program 2015 Admissions

@dirtylaundry I have a friend whose going from the Bay Area, you might meet her if you’re doing Bio?

Also still waiting on a mentor assignment. I wonder how many they receive wanting to do physics research? Hopefully it’s not as popular so I still have a good chance of an assignment.

@physics1337 just told RISE i’m not going and I was assigned to a physics research, so hopefully you can get the opportunity now :slight_smile:

Humph. Just got an email saying they couldn’t find mentor placement for me. But I think I still might do the HSH program. Anyone else in the same boat?

My D just got accepted to RISE in a psychology lab. Anyone else from BayArea, CA attending?

does anyone know if there’s a Facebook group for this? and if there isn’t, should I make one?

@dirtylaundry @cuprmom hey I’m from the East Bay. PM me if you want to talk. :slight_smile:

Theres no facebook group yet @YippeeSkipee, it’d be great if you could make one.

@Kazero Wow, thank you so much! I was recently assigned Professor Jagadeesh Moodera from MIT. Anyone else part of this group?

@yippeeskippee @tshirtswag I went ahead and made a group. Feel free to join it

Let me know if the link doesn’t work for some reason. If you see starts, replace **** with “facebook(dot)com”

Not sure why it does that :confused:

Everyone who’s going please join the group. There’s only 10 ppl in the fb group rn lol

I am a current junior planning to apply for RISE. I have been slightly confused on how the topics of study are chosen and was hoping for guidance. One question is: do we as students only give the subject (like electrical or computer engineering) and not be specific about the topic or do we have to apply with a certain specific topic (within that field) in mind. If the topics have to be specific, are there any examples that can I can look at to help formulate my own?


@cuprmom I’m an applicant for this year and I received an email saying that they were searching for mentors for me; do you happen to know the name of the professor/psychology lab that your daughter conducted research in last summer?