<p>GPA: 3.49 UW
School Dosen't Rank
SAT(old): 1250 </p>
<p>Assume that:
REC'S: Amazing
Essays: Unique</p>
At my old school
BPA: President
Key Club
Multi-Cultural Club</p>
<p>At my new school:
NHS (Vice President)
Young Republicans
Young Democrats (Yes, I'm in both, I like both sides of the coin)
Quiz Bowl team</p>
<p>Strong upward trend in course load and GPA
Full IB Diplmoa Candidate after tsking courses over the summer, skipped 2 years of SPanish
200+ Hours of Community Serive
Had a sumer intership at a law firm
Ened up taking hardst cours eload junior and senior year because i worked both summers</p>