<p>Hey. Quick question. I want to get into pretty competitive Universities....think Northwestern because that is one of my choices. I am currently a sophomore and I am thinking a lot about whether to take both. For as long as I can remember I was just goint o take both but my SAT scores are not a good at my ACT. ACT is like 39 for a practice without studying so I can make it better by my SAT is likd 1900 and that is not good at all for the schools I want to go too and I have studied a lot for that but it is not much better. </p>
<p>So basically I want to know if I need to take both. Is a 36 equal to a 2400?? I live in Illinois so I will mostly be in-state and the mid-west area. I do want to apply to Yale which is not in that area but that is about it. Is it worth it for me to take both tests so can I just stick to the ACT and work really hard on that alone?</p>
<p>I am willing to work hard on both but I want to know if it is worth is first. And I am pretty much willing to do whatever I can to get into a prestigious school so please let me know! Thanks is advance for all the help=)</p>