<p>We all have those issues: does he/she like me, should I break up with my bf/gf, what on Earth do I do for Valentine's day, how do you get rid of a stalker, you know. Well, here's the place to post all of your questions, problems, comments, and advice.</p>
<p>^ahaha stalkers Dealing with one right now >:-( I think he needs to learn that bombarding someone with texts is not attractive. In fact, its annoying and even creepy.</p>
<p>Yeah but that goes for girls too. Like, it gets annoying when some girl is always poking you and bothering you and just won’t get out of your face. Seriously, just because we didn’t answer your text within 3 seconds doesn’t mean we hate you, but if you text us every 3 seconds after that to remind us about the first one, then that might make us get mad at you.</p>
<p>Why are people so obsessed with texting??? I get it, its easier to do, but now people dont know how to talk to other people in person. You can’t pick up humor or sarcasm or anything in a text. I think its easier just to call up a girl and talk to her. & on the phone you can’t accidentally type instead of
and make a whole conversation awkward.</p>
<p>^ugh, i hate it when guys do that! that is not hot… </p>
<p>soo, I’m a freshman. This senior likes me, he’s cute, in the social circle and all. However he interests me this much ----> </p>
<p>notice there wasn’t anything beside of the arrow. I like a senior(not that 1^). I have no idea if he likes me, he txts me all the time but…Idk how to know… soo? any advice here.</p>
<p>^ awww
Good to hear… just ask him about his interests/hobbies.</p>
<p>Or… talk to the one that you like… and see if three of you can get together in a circle.</p>
<p>what was the awww about? lol</p>
<p>Guys who think that they can get girls just by being who they are bother me, that’s why it was a big no to the first one.</p>
<p>Freshman and Senior relationships are always terrible ideas imo. I mean why could he possibly interested in a freshman(no offense to you). Think about it…</p>
<p>Texting you a lot is definitely a good sign, unless he’s being a stalker like purpleyes’ stalker, lol. Might need a guy’s opinion on this one.</p>
<p>There are 3 seniors that are interested in me though, so i didn’t think it was completely impossible.</p>
<p>I understand what you’re saying though. Wow, i feel stupid.</p>
<p>haha, he’s not a stalker…lol, he’s just like hey best friend or hey beautiful. (it varies)</p>
<p>Idk bout the whole best friend thing though…suddenly my tummy feels kind of uneasy…</p>
<p>Maybe because he’s actin kinda weird
it wud be a bit more sensitive for a jr-sr relationship instead.</p>
<p>P.S: Don’t snitch on ppl. it makes the situation worse.</p>
<p>I have a question. Why are guys so into whiny, annoying, shallow girls? I know this one girl who is very intelligent but acts like a complete moron around boys she likes; giggling like a lunatic, not-so-subtly displaying her cleavage, and whining “STOPPP IT YOURE SOO ANNOYINGGGG” anytime the boy so much as pokes her or something. And the guys ALWAYS FALL FOR IT! It really baffles me.</p>
<p>It depends on the fresh/senior relationship thing. I think it looks more admirable when a girl dates a guy that’s younger than her. It shows that he’s mature and that she doesn’t care what other people think. My friend’s boyfriend is a year and a half younger than her.</p>
<p>Where are all the guys on this forum?? We need their advice.</p>
<p>My friend is 17(junior) and she’s dating a friend of mine 14(freshman).</p>
<p>I AM a guy.</p>
<p>O…k? lol where did that come from, well on the plus side I assumed your gender correctly.</p>
<p>The arrogance… smh</p>
<p>Here’s some advice - Freshmen = Freshmeat to a lot of guys. Not me, but just sayin’. Something you should think about. I’ve seen too many girls fall for it.</p>
<p>It was the other one who needed the “guy” advice. I assume he’s a guy also.</p>