Bradley Info?

<p>My son recently was accepted to Bradley. It looks like a great school for him. Does anyone have any knowledge of the school? How about student life? What about the engineering program? Are the students happy there? Anyone else out there interested in Bradley?</p>

<p>If I decide to stay near home, Bradley will be my choice. I got in to UIUC, but I don't think it's my scene. From everything I've heard Bradley is like U of Illinois on a smaller scale. Every person that I've heard about that went there said they loved it, so either I know an unusually happy bunch of people or there is something to it.</p>

<p>good school but not as strong academics overall as UIUC. I think mostly in-state kids will go there so you won't find an enormous amount of diversity. I personally love the small size, the pretty campus, its strong education program (and engineering too), and some of the good E.C.s (there is C-level sports for example for people like me who are really bad or don't know how to play)</p>

<p>Are you going there?</p>

<p>I was under the impression that they had very strong academics on the same level as UIUC. If not in generally, they certainly are in their engineering program. It's not extremely diverse, but it is decently, I believe (something like 20% minorities?). And it's a medium college, not really small... though not big like I'd like (6,000 students).</p>

<p>in engineering you might be right; in any case they are both strong there. However, my experience is those with lower gpas or who were rejected fro UIUC attend Bradley. I'm just a student who was accepted at both and know of students accepted in either of the two.</p>

<p>Don't let my comments dissuade you from choosing Bradley; I wanted to choose it over UIUC myself because I thought the campus would fit me better. It probably depends on the person in the end.</p>

<p>I see. That's cool, I suppose. I may end up going to Bradley, I'm not sure yet. I'm going to their "explore BU day" next friday, so that may give me a better taste of the campus. I didn't want to go to UIUC because from what I hear I would like the campus much their either.</p>

<p>Hey, Lpsider, how was the "explore BU day"? Anyone else go?</p>

<p>My daughter and I went on "Earthquake Friday". She loves it and it is now her top choice. Our biggest concern is that it's so far from home (NJ). We're pretty confident it's not a commuter school but it did feel like EVERYONE is from IL. People were so shocked that we'd found Bradley and actually visited. She's only looking at schools with Music Business programs and BU is very highly rated on **************.com. So that's how we ended up there.</p>