Brandeis vs Tulane

Would like people’s opinions on the above schools. DS has been accepted to both and choosing. Similar merit so money is not an issue. Possibly interested in pre-health but not 100% sure. Not a big rah rah party person. Serious student. Pro’s/Con’s Differences. Both similarly ranked. From the northeast so Brandeis is only a few hour drive from home. Tulane is a plane ride. Remote chance DS can try out for sport played in HS at Brandeis but isn’t recruited athlete.

I’ve been to Tulane…not Brandeis.

Tulane is known for happy students. According to Niche, it’s # 52 in student life of 1612 in America.

If you look at Brandeis ranking (and they only show the top half), they’re not there.

Tulane campus is not pretty (many have said that on here) but Brandeis gets a D - of course to each their own.

Both with have strong Jewish presence and both have smart kids so that’s not a problem.

Tulane is known for greek life and partying. From what I’m reading, Brandeis doesn’t even recognize Greek life. Niche gives it a party rating of C+ whereas Tulane is #1 of 1612 in the nation (A+) although I’m sure the non partier will find their people.

Two great choices Obviously, transport is a win at Brandeis - but flying to New Orleans is easy enough.

Good luck.

So, I’m not going to be a lot of help but I can tell you that anecdotally, I am hearing amazing things about Brandeis (which I don’t know much about at all). A friend of mine (who went to Smith years ago) has a child at Brandeis and cannot say enough good things about it! She is not easily “wow’d” and Brandeis has done it!

My DD was accepted to Wellesley which is right down the road from Brandeis and what I like about that area is its proximity to Boston and that Wellesley will shuttle you there-- a shuttle runs on the hour every hour. Drops them off in Cambridge! I know Wellesley and Brandeis have cross-registration and combine some teams (tennis, I think Is one of them). Anyway, I think I’d rather my kiddo be there than so close to New Orleans (which I love-- honeymooned there, but gosh, it is all about debauchery!) :joy:


This suggests to me that Brandeis would be a better match than Tulane. I also have a close friend with a D at Brandeis who is extremely happy with her experience so far (she is a second sophomore). Proximity to Boston for internships and culture/entertainment is a huge plus. Travel should also be considered. It’s not a difficult flight to New Orleans but flights could become fairly pricey in the near future. And they’re often more expensive around the times students tend to fly for holidays.

Brandeis also provides the somewhat unusual combination of a LAC size school with top notch research facilities if your DS is STEM oriented.

Good luck!


I think of Brandeis and Tulane as relative academic peers.

But they are such different places – different architecture, different cities with different cultures, even different campus cultures. Rah-rah sports vs. the lack thereof. Big-time fraternity involvement vs. not so much.

If costs and academic offerings are similar for what you want to study, I would 100% make this based on location/culture. If you visit both, you’ll likely know which you prefer rather quickly.


We visited Brandeis before D22 applied. She loved everything about Brandeis except the campus itself.

When anyone in my house thinks about Tulane the first word is party - the second is smart students. If your child is not into the party life Brandeis would be the better option. I know many people that went to Brandeis over the years and all loved it and did well after graduation. One got there and walked on the fencing team. Two I know played tennis. As for what they do now. I know lawyers, dentists, rabbis, EMTs and firemen that all got their start at Brandeis.

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I have a D at Tulane and another D looking to apply to Brandeis. Tulane is an incredible school and New Orleans is an amazing city (especially if you like food!). Yes, there is a strong party culture at Tulane but I’m going to say it is somewhat overinflated because people automatically assume Tulane = Bourbon Street. Very few students are frequently at Bourbon street unless it’s Mardi Gras time. Like all schools, if you want to find a party, you will find it. That being said, my youngest D is not interested in Tulane and is interested in Brandeis because of the academics but quieter atmosphere.

While some don’t like the Tulane campus, we actually do and if you want to see some truly spectacular neighborhoods, head to the Garden District which is within a short distance of the campus. Also, Audubon Park is Tulane’s front yard.

One thing I will tell you to consider is weather. We are in the south and not newbies to hurricanes. But my D’s sophomore year they were in the cone of concern 6x and Hurricane Ida was an incredible blow to the community. While the NOLA community is truly one of the hardiest most resilient ones I’ve seen, it can be an eye opener for someone who is not accustomed to those types of weather patterns.

Both are great options and it’s going to be a hard choice. Just wanted to give you the perspective from a parent on Tulane (particularly of a non-partying type student).


From what you’ve described, I’d say Brandeis. It’s closer. He might be able to walk on in his sport. It’s very strong on sciences. I’d say there’s probably less partying at Brandeis than at Tulane.

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I’d consider the two schools to be academic peers but the vibe would be different. I know people who are very happy at both institutions. I’d let her pick the schools she feels would be the best fit.

There are plenty of smart and serious students at Tulane. My D and all of her friends included. Her best friend is a Stamps recipient. All are involved and very busy. But what Tulane is not is a grind. It’s a fun, upbeat, never boring place to get an education. D and her friends are not Greek and do not have to rely upon Greek organizations for entertainment. They explore the city looking for food, art and music in its many vibrant neighborhoods. And…the misguided stereotype that New Orleans is “all about debauchery”. Tulane is not on Bourbon Street. Tulane is not even in the French Quarter. It’s 20 mins away Uptown, surrounded by multi-million dollar homes. And those people so interested in debauchery on Bourbon Street? Those are tourists that don’t realize how much history and unique culture they are missing by spending all of their time there.

Tulane is a place where finding balance is easier than most. Post pandemic, I believe that prioritizing schools that offer the opportunity to find such balance is a way to prioritize students’ mental health and wellness. Given the stressors of the last several years while D has been in school, I am forever grateful that she was in a place where having fun is embraced. It helped her make it through to the other side where she is now thriving and happy.


This is good to hear! My daughter just got in and invited to the scholars program. Tulane was the only “southern” school she applied to. (Is also auto admit to UT). She’s definitely into food and not a partier or caring about sororities. Not her vibe at all. We’re visiting in March as she’s not been yet. Will be interesting to see her perspective. (She loves the NE and NYC (I’m from NY) so was looking there more but Tulane has surprised us.)

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