Brockman Foundation Scholarship-High School Class of 2019 Waiting Game

Now that the applications are in and the deadline is passed:

Who wants to play the waiting game with me? :slight_smile:
Tell me about yourself or your student…

My daughter is In State and an Engineering (Computer Science) major.

My son applied nearly 2 months ago. TX in-state. Engineering (Computer Science as well!)
I’ve been seeing the Brockman posts recently but didn’t want to jinx anything so I haven’t written before.
I’ll wait with you!

My son applied and is OOS (AL). Mechanical engineering major. He has been accepted in to the University however we are waiting to hear back on the engineering part. My understanding is that they have only sent out one wave of notices so far (Oct 12th). So hopefully another will be coming out soon….

My son is an in State engineering major (biomedical).
He received an email on Tuesday encouraging him to apply for the Brockman Scholarship by the deadline Sunday. A lot of info in a short time. Seems very competitive and a long shot but it’s worth a try.
Now we wait…,.

My son applied for the scholarship as well. He is an in-state, chemical or mechanical engineering major. I was really surprised when he received the email on Tuesday about applying because my daughter received the same email last year but not until February. They are starting much earlier this year! Best wishes to everyone!

I’ll be interested in seeing how the inaugural class does. The high GPA requirement for engineers concerns me a bit. I prepped a student last year for the final interview round for the scholarship. I’m anxiously waiting to hear how his first semester went.

Good luck to all!

Do you think the notification for the second stage interview will be delayed because the application deadline was extended?

@vet2be93 , Was there a date given at some point before the deadline was extended for the second stage interviews? We didn’t get into this process until last week when that mass email went out. (I know the final interview is at the end of January.)

From their FAQ - "What is the selection process for the Brockman Scholarship?

The selection process for the Brockman Scholarship has three stages.

The first scholarship selection stage is based on the information provided on a candidate’s application form, and in their supporting documentation. All complete applications (which must include all required supporting documentation to be considered complete) received by the application and documentation deadlines will be reviewed.

Candidates who are chosen to participate in the second scholarship selection stage will be invited to one of our regional interview sites for an in-person interview. Those interviews will take place during November – December 2018.

The third and final scholarship selection stage sees Finalists for a Brockman Scholarship invited to College Station, Texas for the Brockman Foundation Finalists Selection Weekend, January 24-26, 2019. There, they will be interviewed by members of our Scholarship Selection Committee, as well as attending a variety of social events and talks."

@bemart14 , thanks! There really aren’t a whole lot of weekends in November and December to do these interviews with Thanksgiving and Christmas family travel plans for most people! Busy months coming up! Yikes!

@TXRunningMom the website stated in the FAQ’s that the second stage is an interview sometime in Nov-Dec.Those dates were posted before the extension. It does not state who will interview, I am assuming only students who make it to the second stage. My DD was told to apply when she called Financial Aid office with questions.

Y’all! I have some news you might be interested in! I emailed the Scholarship office asking about a timeline.

This is their response: “From my understanding and what has been communicated to us, the Brockman Foundation is planning to conduct interviews around November 15th. Interview invitations should be sent out by the Brockman Foundation sometime at the beginning of next week.”

Now, November 15th is a Thursday, not a Saturday. I’m not sure what to think about that but I didn’t inquire further. I figured I had already gotten enough information out of them at this point!

@TXRunningMom, That is certainly interesting…Thanks so much for sharing! Definitely a tight turn around especially for those out of state. Were the interviews conducted on a Saturday last year??? Thanks again for sharing and hopefully others will update with any information as well.

@1stCollBound , I think I remember reading in old posts that the interviews were on a Saturday in Dallas and Houston for in-state and out of state people who could make the drive. Others were able to Skype the interview.

@TXRunningMom familiar with you from Tamu and UT 2023. I did not have the time to complete by deadline. Also, it said five year college (masters) mandatory if you were to be selected. Did not want to be tied for masters either… but good luck to all of you! Rooting for you all

Thanks for starting this Brockman 2019 group. My daughter applied to Texas A&M and Brockman the day before the deadline. We assumed it was by invitation only as we read last Spring after Aggieland Saturday.

She was in a holding pattern as a Posse Scholar semi-finalist (not chosen) and really glad she applied for Brockman. It seems they prefer National Merit Finalists and super high SAT scores. Getting worried. She has a 1450 SAT (taken once with no prep), 32 ACT (sick during test), lots of leadership and community service, 8 in class/570 students, 4.0 unweighted GPA, good essay writer. However, it seems Brockman has a higher expectation. I regret that we did not prepare her better for the standardized tests.

@Giftlady, if you look at the original thread, scores weren’t the definitive qualifier. There were high scoring kids who didn’t make it. With these types of scholarships, there’s appears to be an “it” factor that comes out in the interviews. It’s probably the case that the high scores bump you up higher but given that’s there’s not much info on who actually made it past the different screenings, it’s hard to tell.

Thanks for the insight. I read that there were 51 Brockman Scholars chosen for the 2018 Freshman class. Good luck to all the applicants!

I am new to this site. I came across it when my son got the email on 10/23 suggesting he apply by the 10/30 deadline. We scrambled to get everything together, but knowing it is a long shot still figured it was worth a try. He just got an email yesterday about a regional interview in Houston on 11/17. Anyone else get the email about interviews?

@TXMom2019 , you are the first I’ve heard of being contacted!! How exciting! May I ask how far away from Houston you live? Was there an option for a Dallas or Austin location for an interview? Was the 17th the only choice given? Can you pick a time slot? Congratulations on making it to this next stage!!