Brockman Foundation Scholarship-High School Class of 2019 Waiting Game

@TXMom2019, Very exciting and congratulations to your son for the interview selection! Wondering if you require travel and extra time for a Saturday appointment? We are in the Houston area and have not received an email. I wonder if Brockman notifies all other applicants not being considered.

@TXMom2019 , also, do y’all have a deadline to sign up for the interview? What is your son’s major?

My daughter received an email yesterday for an interview in Houston on 11/15. She was an early applicant before the extension of the deadline. She is looking to be a CE/EE major.

@TXDad2023, Congratulations to your daughter on the interview selection! Are you in the Houston area? Curious if out of town folks are notified first.

@TXDad2023 , congratulations!! Thanks for that bit of info on being an early applicant and her major. Do you have to reply by a certain deadline? Did they let you pick a timeslot? How far away from Houston do y’all live? How exciting!! Keep us posted!

@Giftlady @TXRunningMom Thanks, she is excited and nervous. We are in the suburbs about an hour away from Post Oak. I’m not sure about the other questions. She is pretty independent and runs the show as far as college planning, so she made the arrangements. Though, I’m pretty sure that 11/15 and the time were assigned to her.

My son also received notification yesterday of an interview in Houston on 11/15. They asked for a response by tomorrow at the latest. He is an engineering major (either chemical or mechanical) and we live in a Houston suburb. Best wishes to everyone!

@TXYellowRose , congratulations!! Thanks for answering the response time question. I guess this should count as an excused absence from school!! Keep us posted!

@TXDad2023 , thanks for the response on the assigned time slot. Keep us posted!

Congratulations to all who received interview emails. Did anyone OOS get an invite for the interview? Also, did any one receive a rejection email yet?

We are north of Houston and my daughter applied to A&M and Brockman during the extended deadline week. Nothing yet.

Congratulations to those who have been invited to interview! What an amazing opportunity!

My son applied during the extended deadline week as well. We are OOS. Nothing yet.

@mic212 , we are in state, applied on that last day, and no email of any kind here. I think last year the OOS people did Skype interviews and there were also Dallas interviews. I’ve only seen Houston interview talk so far. Maybe Dallas and OOS interviews are on a different time table? Does anyone remember if last year’s thread addressed a “rejection email”? I’m wondering if because of the large volume of applicants, if they will not be doing those?

I believe I remember reading that they did end up sending rejection emails last year but it took a while for them to get them out.

I looked at last year’s thread, it was a completely different timeline (February), but people reported getting invites on 02/21 evening (Houston interviews) then a bunch on 02/22 (Dallas interviews and OOS through Skype), the last invite I saw was for OOS on 02/24. So I guess if they do it like last year they could send invites over several days…

Austin area here. No emails at all. Applied early in the process.
Congrats to everyone who got an interview!

Thanks for researching and giving us hope!

I amend my previous post, I thought they were done last year on 02/24, but I kept reading the thread and while some people were discussing how the interviews went, other people continued to report getting invites for interviews up to 03/06 for an interview on 03/10. They notified the finalists for the interview at Texas A&M on 03/12. So we might be in for a long wait if this year’s process will be similar.

My daughter applied for the scholarship last year. She did not receive an invitation to interview. She also did not receive any type of communication from them at all until the whole process was over and all the decisions were made and offers extended. At that point, she received a rejection email. It was over our spring break in mid-March that she received the rejection email. But the whole process was later last year–February and March instead of in the fall.

@TXYellowRose , so sorry your daughter had to wait so long without hearing anything! Thank you for letting us know though. Where is your daughter in school this year? Is she liking it? Best of luck to your son (I think?) for Brockman this year!