Brockman Foundation Scholarship-High School Class of 2019 Waiting Game

We are Texans! @HealthCoachAnn I’d agree, take the job. Everyone can volunteer but not everyone merits being hired! Huge feather in her cap!

@2019odyssey , very cool! We have a kid each from Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin on this thread. Are y’all from a metro area too?

We are from the greater DFW area also.

@LovesBigDogs , do the Brockman finalists share a hotel room with another candidate? I assumed that would be the case, but we just got the letter with info about the finalist weekend and it’s not clear. If she has her own room I can bring an air mattress and share it, but if she’s rooming with another student I think it would be best if I stayed elsewhere.

@4402ch , from the letter, it sounds like they have a room for each candidate since the parent can share the room with their child. I would imagine it will be two double beds or a king in each room?

To 4402ch and TXRunningMom: I’m also planning on attending with my son, but we did not receive any notification of details yet since he confirmed his attendance. Was it an email or an actual letter in the mail?

@TXParent2019 , hmmmm, my daughter received her email at 2:16 today. I would have thought everybody’s email would go out on the same day but maybe they are being sent out alphabetically or regionally or by major? Hopefully it will come tomorrow!

My daughter also received the info by email.

@TXRunningMom and @2019odyssey I appreciate that. I did not really think about it that way. I feel more confident now that she can take it! Thank you.

What is everybody doing for “comfortable walking shoes” for campus tours if they can’t wear sneakers? Dress shoes are not comfortable for campus tours in my opinion plus they will be all dressed up. Also, what do y’all think is “smart casual attire”? Is your kid planning on wearing something different during the day and changing to more formal for the dinners?

I will be accompanying my son for the weekend - if any other moms want to meet for lunch, maybe we can plan something.

Sounds to me like they can wear something different during the day, then change for dinner. For boys, I am thinking khaki pants and polos or casual button down shirts would work for smart casual attire? Not sure about shoes yet during the day.

I am thinking the same thing for my son’s attire. He’ll probably wear khaki or dress pants and a polo during the day then change into his suit/shirt/tie for the dinners.

@albmom , welcome to the group! Where abouts are y’all from? Sounds like many of us will many staying at the hotel too. Going to lunch sounds great! As far as the attire, seems like the guys have it easier for the day time wear. I’m not sure what my daughter is going to wear. We hate shopping. She basically has NIke shorts, jeans, and leggings. UGH!

Ha! I was thinking girls would have an easier time with attire, but I guess not. We are from Illinois.

I’m up for meeting for lunch! Although I might prefer to do it Saturday rather than Friday.

I think my daughter is going to wear khaki/twill pants with an “office casual” blouse during the day, and boots. She is bringing a blazer with a couple of dressier blouses and dress pants for the interview. For the formal dinners she will probably wear a dress.

@TXRunningMom , if you happen to have a Dillard’s clearance store near you, we’ve found some well-priced dress clothes there.

Would love to do lunch either day. My daughter will probably wear flat boots during the day with black pants tucked in and maybe a sweater - depends on the weather?? Could probably get by with leggings, boots and long sweater or cardigan if your daughter doesn’t have “pants”. Finding a pair of pants that fit for my daughter is like finding a needle in a haystack - fortunately she found some at loft a while back so we bought two pair! She’ll change for dinner into her interview clothes one night and a dress another night I imagine.

Well now I’m going to have FOMO ?. Wish I could take off work to go with my son. I am glad my husband is able to go, but he said he’d opt out of the luncheon. Haha.

Have a wonderful time and best wishes to all! ?

@TXParent2019 , did y’all ever get an email with your interview time?

If I may, meeting up with fellow posters is one of the best decisions ever, since my son’s process class 2020 with posters from his class. We still do if we are to be in CStat at the same time and sometimes just for good food and wine/margarita at least once a year.

Also, if you haven’t joined, on Facebook, search for Mom’s & Dad’s of current Aggie Students.
It is a great resource of information for everything that concerns our Aggie students.

The moderator, Pat, will ask you questions via FB private message. Answer those and you’re good to go.
Be sure to read the rules. She’s a stickler about them but it keeps the closed group of 10K members easy to navigate and no spam-ers.

Be patient to get your questions. Her son has a major illness and she’s helping the DIL & grands.

If you are engineering parent, there is a closed FB group for you in addition to the above. Mom’s and dad’s of current Aggie engineering students.

If you are not on FB, You will need to create an account to join either group. Once you do that, PM me and we can go from there.