Brockman Foundation Scholarship-High School Class of 2019 Waiting Game

@mic212 , Congratulations to your son on his interview! Is he flying in for it or skyping? (Seems like you asked about OOS applicants at some point) From what I’ve heard, this should be the last round of interviews. I know they said we would hear by the middle of January but I’m hoping to hear by Christmas! Waiting to hear one way or the other is for the birds!

@mic212 I hope your son has a great interview.

@mic212 , how did your son’s interview go? Did they tell you when they would start notifying kids if they are getting a 2nd interview for the finalists weekend? I know they said by “mid January” but I’m hoping for sooner!

Thank you @vet2be93 and @TXRunningMom, my son’s interview went well, it was a great experience, and as someone else said on this thread before, I was amazed and humbled to see so many bright children. I do not envy the interviewers who will have to select the finalists from all these very talented students. In terms of next steps they said that this was the last weekend for interviews, one person said the finalists will hear in early January, whereas another said at the latest two weeks before the finalists weekend which I assume would be by around January 10. So anywhere from Jan 2 to Jan 10. Good luck to everyone, and congratulations to those who participated in the first round of interviews, as it was an honor to be selected for this first step.

Just received my email today inviting me to the finalists’ weekend! I am from San Antonio and interviewed late November in Austin.

Congratulations @ad2000tx !! Because of your post, I told my daughter to check her email and she had gotten an invitation to the finalist weekend too!

Yay!!! Our son just nonchalantly walked in to tell us he was invited too.

@Texmomto4 , congratulations!! I’m dying to know…did your son decide to cut his hair for the interview or just go with a trim!!! :slight_smile:

@TXRunningMom He did choose to cut his hair ?‍♂️ ?

Good luck to all those invited. We did not make it to the next round. On to the next thing!

@mamaof4boys , I know your son is super stellar and an awesome kid! Good luck on collecting some departmental and outside scholarships!!

Do they send an email too if they didn’t make it? My son hasn’t received an invitation yet ?. Congratulations on those who made it to the next round! Good luck!

My son was invited to Finalist’s Weekend too! I was interested in the haircut debate from previous posts as my son had long hair and also chose to cut it before the interview. Lol! I have no idea how they are going to choose among all these outstanding young people. Good luck to everyone!

@ad2000tx , @Texmomto4 , @TXYellowRose , and anyone else who is invited to the finalists weekend: I’m curious…are you (parents) going to go hang out for the finalist’s weekend in College Station? Or will your kiddo drive themselves and go solo? Last year, they didn’t have anything for the parents and the kids were busy from early morning to late night.

@TXRunningMom I am going to go with my son to finalists weekend. But my daughter is a freshman at A&M so it will be a good excuse to spend some time with her during the weekend. :slight_smile:

@TXRunningMom my husband will be going with our son as he can work while he is there.

New to the group. I am joining my daughter at Finalist’s weekend. Waiting to get more info on the weekend!

@2019odyssey , welcome to the group! Yes, we are hoping to get a schedule or something today too! What part of the country are you from? Will y’all be able to drive or need to fly in?

We are actually 2020 and I wanted to ask all those who have been through this process a question. My daughter has the chance to be an assistant paid coach for swim team. For the past 4 years she has been volunteering as a mentor, but they’d like her to step into coach role. I know community service is crucial. She has 400 hours or so between all the organizations she is a part of. Do you think that it would hurt her to do this as a job versus stay a volunteer?

Thank you for all the time you have put into sharing your journeys!

@HealthCoachAnn , I can only give my little ole opinion but I would think 4 years volunteering is ample time to “count” for excellent volunteer hours. Plus, I think if she has been asked to step into a paid coach role now, that shows she has proven herself and is a desirable hire. I think volunteer hours and paid hours are both good bc the paid hours shows she is responsible enough to get and keep a job! My vote is for her to “take the job”!