Brown 2010!

<p>Hey all prospective Brown students, I just think we should all get to know eachother. All the 2009 kids seem to have a very good dynamic, and I would imagine that we would be the ones chatting it up next year, so lets get started! I’m bad at those icebreaker games so I don’t know what to do…today I took sat2, and when I got home I read through 2 issues of Rolling Stone (I was especially interested in the one with Weezer on the cover). I dunno how you can build off that, but give it a shot</p>

<p>You want to know about me? Okaaaay. </p>

<p>I love Ani DiFranco more than anyone else in the world, I've obsessed over Jude Law for 6 years before anyone else knew who he was, I don't have television, I've never eaten meat before in my life, my top 5 books are One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Les Miserables, Don Quixote, The Brothers Karamazov, and The Count of Monte Cristo but I lie to pretend I like black/female authors so I look like a better feminist. I want to be a sustainable architect when I grow up and I love the month of May.</p>

<p>very interesting! I think you might be better off without tv, I have digital cable and I can't stop pwatching, and whenever I finally stop, I can't believe how much time I've wasted</p>

<p>My parents are hippies, hence the vegetarianism, lack of TV*, favorite book being written by a merry prankster, homeschooling, and love for Ani DiFranco and sustainable architecture. I totally fit the stereotype. ;)</p>

<p>*as a result, of course, I spend twice as much time as I should online.</p>

<p>yea i wanna go to brown too .. but i dont know if i have the grades. I fence, I listen to a lot of music and I just sit around a lot.</p>

<p>I used to fence! I wish I hadn't quit, but I was in like 3rd grade and bouncing between soccer, karate, fencing, baseball, just too much. Little kids always play like 10 sports. What music do you like? I jsut bought a Velvet Undergroud cd, and I like it a lot</p>

<p>yea fencing is awesome .. its like what i live for. Ummm .. i pretty much listen to music under the "rock" genre. Bands that people never really heard of. A static lullaby, Hawthorne Heights, Yesterday's rising, glassjaw, the vines (you've prob heard of them .. haha) yea and a lot of other bands.</p>


<p>hehe, no your quite welcome, but i dont belive i have any authority over this... but 2010, seems suh a long way off just like 2005 did back in 2001 and 2009 in 2005, but that on more year away, best of luck to ya</p>

<p>Yea I know, it seems really far off. One thing I hate is the way it sounds. Parents can say stuff like, "Oh yea, I graduated class of '78." But we can't say stuff like,"Class of TEN, represent!" It doesn't sound good</p>

<p>Yeah, i see waht you mean. Even we get to say "0h-nine" so it's not that bad.</p>

<p>O man, you're right. We really got sat and an ugly-sounding year :(</p>

<p>We'll just have to take our sweet sweet time and spend an extra year partying so that we can call ourselves the class of eleven.</p>

<p>could we say class of " 'O Ten?" Cause it woul dbe like 2010, it kind of works</p>

<p>I'm sure when you get there, the orientation people will have figured out a way for you to be proud to be Classof '10. From what I've heard, we're going to have to get used to saying '09 in a particular, rising way, according to tradition.</p>

<p>I just took the new SAT for the first time yesterday morning...almost FIVE hours. It was tragic. I live in Ohio and I run cross country, listen to Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, read The Economist religiously, and want to be an econ major (specifically developmental economics). As far as literature, I like Vonnegut, JG Ballard (kind of obscure British author from the 70s; I highly reccomend his books), Chuck Palahniuk, etc. </p>

<p>Oh, and I love Brown.</p>

<p>I am an (almost) official member of the Class of '10 (I refuse to pronounce it any way other than oh-ten, because that sounds the best)!!!! I was accepted for '09, but I'm deferring for a year. So all you juniors better be cool so we have the best class ever! I'm kinda sad that I won't be in the "Best Looking Class Ever" though, but maybe Ruth will just say that every year. Or maybe I'll just hang out with people who are older and better looking... :)</p>

<p>No way. We'll get even better looking next year.</p>

<p>aderoberts--I run cross country, too! I love it. Are you good? I feel like cross country always ends up being a lefty intellectual sport, I can't understand whhy, but all the kids on my time are very smart. Maybe the whole being alone otudoors thing who knows.<br>
sara--what are you going to do in your year off? And everyone knows "OH-TEN" will be the finest class ever. USNews did some report and they think admissions of hot people to highly selective schools is goin gto top off next year, and then go downhill</p>

<p>sara.. why did you decide to defer for a year?</p>

<p> well, i live in teh san francisco area, transplant from sacramento. i'm really into bjork, but love all types of music (mostly underground/indie stuff, emo, screamo, some straight edge, etc). i speak pretty much fluent spanish (which is funny because i'm tall, white, and blonde). i'm obsessed with latin culture, latin america, and the spanish language. i love the rain. i love cologne. i love thinking about a topic until my head hurts. i love feeling cozy. and i REALLY love brown (seems like a trend, huh)</p>