<p>I'm obsessed with the Latin language and going to Brazil this summer! Neither of those directly involve the Spanish language, but it's sort of close!</p>
<p>I'm kind of a traitor...I take Spanish, but after a trip to Italy this year, I have to say I'm much more obsessed with Italian language/culture</p>
<p>Italy is aaaamaaaaazing. </p>
<p>Of course, French is hands down the most beautiful language, ever.</p>
<p>Next year, I'm going on a program with other deferring students to Israel. First semester, I'll live in Jerusalem and take classes at the Hebrew University. Second semester, I'm going to live in an absorption center for new immigrants and do volunteer work. Next year is going to be one huge party! No parents, legal drinking age of 18, independence, warm weather all year long, beaches everywhere, vacations traveling around Europe, does life get any better? I'm sooo excited!
I decided to take a year off because I really love Israel, and I don't know if I'll be able to go back for a while. This is my way of staying connected to the land. Plus, I'll learn a lot of Hebrew, which is always good. It was really tempting to just go to college next year, especially after ADOCH and getting all the info for next year, but I keep telling myself that Brown will still be there waiting for me. I need a break from working.</p>
<p>wow that sounds amazing</p>
<p>NICE sara! I've been to Israel, too and I love it. Buy that chocolate with the pop rocks in it! It definitely seemsl ike you're making good use of your time off. I think it's good to take a year off because after college, you really aren't going to have a year totally free like that. I wanna do one o fthose trips around South America like they do in the Motorcycle Diaries</p>
<p>lol david.. the ultimate road trip :)</p>
<p>I LOVE BROWN...its at the top of my list tied with georgetown!.....I would give my left arm to be a member of the class of 2010 (that even feels funny to write!). um...about me...I'm in german and I hate it, I listen to Jazz and light rock mostly...some gospel (I'm black, lol). I watch c-span and cnn religiously and my favorite magazine is newsweek (original...eh?). Um...I love singing, mostly in a choir setting. My favorite chorus song is O Magnum Mysterium. This summer I'm going to the Governor's Honors Program as a vocalists!!! The only downside is 6 weeks in hot, boring Valdosta, Ga! I plan on majoring in political science (obviously) and maybe international relations or economics. Sara...don't worry I'm really hott so if I'm accepted I'll definately make the class of 2010 the best looking one yet....j/k!</p>
<p>Oh, and David, I took the Sat II's yesterday as well.......I'm sure I'll be retaking them!</p>
<p>Yea georgetown is awesome, it's at the top of my list too. I haven't visited brown yet, but I just know I'll love it. Yea, after that damn SATII us history thread made me feel like a complete dunce, I'll probably be retaking that too, I wasnt aggressive enough, and my guesses all woudl have been correct! That's the worst. I have to say, us prospective brunonians seem pretty damn cool. I just think it's cool the way this site works, were like the big guys now...we got to see all the seniors talking at 4 am before decisions came out, and now we get to do that, maybe im being too sentimental, but I think its pretty cool</p>
<p>ohh im going to israel at the end of may .. just for a week. im missing alotta school .. but i dont really care cause in most of my classes .. we'll be doing nothing .. oh and musicman, i like ur taste in music.</p>
<p>OMG...the US historu SAT II was crazy hard...I got an 800 on the one in the real's book and I think I probably got around a 700 yesterday....if the people on that discussion board are right...which is debatable. Lol, I'm not looking forward to staying up to 4 am the night before decisions....in fact I'm dreading all of the rejections!!!</p>
<p>for some odd reason I am REALLY looking forward to getting all those decisions back. Don't get me wrong, I'm expecting tons of rejection letters, but it seems like such an emotional time. I think we will always remember the time we stayed up all night, refreshing our e-mail, sharing our fears, drinking some black tea or coffee...sounds fun to me at least. I think once the standardizeed tests are done (hopefully June 4), the whole process will be much more fun</p>
<p>David, just wait. You're so going to regret saying that. The only fun part of the whole college admission process is finally being able to say where you are going to school. That's it, the rest of it sucks.</p>
<p>I agree with Sara. Although, I did feel a little empty when it was all over. Sure, I'm happy with the way things turned out, but I couldn't help but think, "That's it? It's over?".</p>
<p>I actually enjoyed the college app process. It was never that stressful. I think the most stressful part of it was the last week or so before ED decisions. I will say that if I had to wait until April, I would have beeen much more tense. But the essays, the filling out forms, looking at schools, deciding where to apply, that was so exciting, like your life could go anwhere. I dunno, I kind of enjoyed the rush.</p>
<p>EXACTLY. I love looking at the different schools and everything. I'm asure it's stressful and all righ tbefore the decisoins come back because you start second-guessing everything, but I think it will be fun, too. I may very well be alone in this opinion but thats ok. I look forward to sharing it all with everyone here!</p>
<p>Also, Rabo--did you do an overnight before you applied ED? I'm thinking of doing that next fall</p>
<p>Definitely do an overnight. I have been around for a while (my brother is a junior there) but I wasn't sure about ED until I did an overnight in October. I was there for 4 days and on the third day I really felt like I should be there. It may not take you that long, but I wanted to be really absolutely sure, since I was applying to schools that I hadn't visited yet and I wanted to be sure I wasn't going to be missing out on anything.</p>
<p>Alright, thanks man, I'll definitely do that</p>