<p>I'll post an intro later but what do people here think of making an LJ community? Oh and I took the US history Sat II too and some of the questions were puzzling to say the least. Not to mention my teacher has taught us up to WWII at this point.</p>
<p>Like an LJ thing for prospective Brown students? I don't wanna jinx anything haha.</p>
<p>MUSICMAN!! I looove latin america too (and the rain--but not when it's cold). I speak spanish pretty well (six years of instruction) and loove the culture, especially the literature (more specifically, gabriel garcia marquez--there was a section of the readiong from vivir para contarla on the AP Spanish exam this year!!) I am Italian, so a lot of workers at local Mexican restaurants think that I am Hispanic/a native Spanish speaker, which is exciting because I get to practice my spanish.</p>
<p>David, as far as cross country, no, I'm not very good; I'm an ex-field hockey player and just started running this year. Regardless, I love the sport. And I agree that it's full of intellectuals. And liberals....</p>
<p>yea cross country is awesome. I'm decent at it, but I'm nowhere near good enough to get recruited. My 5K is like 19:25 or so, which is good considering I've only done it one year. I'm hoping to go as a walk-on on some DIII team just beacsue I enjoy it so much</p>
<p>hey.... i would LOVE to go to brown. i dont quite know if i can get in.. whatev, we'll see. all-time favorite books include the power of one, catcher in the rye, madame bovary, and pretty much anything by hemingway. i have strong affections for al franken and thomas friedman (i love him)... and am currently reading his newest, the world is flat. the daily show with jon stewart is one of my favorite TV shows but i also have an unabashed love for the OC (say what you will about it- if you actually give it a chance, it is so addicting) . like david, the trip across south america would be AMAZING.... that is one of my favorite movies and gael garcia bernal is also one of my favorite actors. spanish culture is very fascinating.</p>
<p>thank you for bringing this back shoegal, I missed it! I have to agree with you on the OC, I've been a fan from the very start (first epiesodes they had in the summer like 2 years ago were by far the best though) but I'm always embarassed for obvious reasons. It's just a great guilty pleasure. I'm beginning to sort of doubt that I'd get in, too. I still havent visited, so h opefully I'll hate it because that would make my life much easier, but I know I'll love it hah</p>
<p>i think an lj community would be good.
and the US History SAT II- that wizard of oz question killed me.</p>
<p>David and shoegal...I'll give you The Motorcycle Diaries and Gael Garcia Bernal, but the OC? yikes. Everyone says that once I watch, I'll get addicted...I have seen three episodes (season finale, one over spring break, and one in Marchish), and I have to say, there is no strong affinity. Sorry kids.</p>
<p>haha i know it has awful acting, writing, and is full of teen angst, but against all my better judgement...I just can't get enough of it</p>
<p>haha david there is absolutely no need to be ashamed. aderoberts, you need to start from the beginning with season 1... everyone i know who has started from there has gotten hooked- even those who were most resistant. those summer episodes were great. i'm not saying the writing, acting, or story line is superb/ believable; but, it is fun. And we all totally love the ryan & marissa/ seth & summer foursome.</p>
<p>looks like a great bunch of hopeful brunonians.....</p>
<p>Hmmm, about me......well, I was born in Albania (tiny but beautiful country in southeastern Europe) and I came to the US when I was 9. I love Brown, swimming, playing frisbee, watercoloring, writing, and a good book on a rainy day. I am an avid Lost fan....cried all through the last episodes.........I love anything indie, rock, alternative rock......I'm really excited for the Coldplay CD. Alice Hoffman is one of my favorite authors. I'm very nostalgic and emotional, and like david218 said, there is something fundamentally thrilling about the college app process......I probably won't be feeling this way when that 11th rejection comes in the mail........</p>
<p>Would definitely love to ramble, but I've got finals to study for. An early Good Luck to all of us! :)</p>
<p>us hist sat 2- did you take it in june? and wizard of oz question... did it have to do with populism and that whole conspiracy about what the different characters represented and all that jazz?</p>
<p>I'm definitely interested in Brown for 2010... I live in the good old state of Texas (don't mess with it), my favorite books are The Lovely Bones and The Outsiders.. I listen to (along with everyone else and their mom) DMB the most, I believe Live at Luther College is the best album in the world. I recently saw Cinderella Man and LOVED IT, but other top movies are I Heart Huckabees, Kill Bill, and Phantom of the Opera. I suppose I could list some creative, exclusive, artsy bands that you most likely wouldnt have heard of because you know, I AM cool like that. But I won't name drop like that, who needs it? (Hope you appreciate the sarcasm. I should hope quirky Brown applicants would)</p>
<p><a href="http://www.livejournal.com/community/brown_2010/%5B/url%5D">http://www.livejournal.com/community/brown_2010/</a>
If anyone wants to co-mod with me, tell me.</p>
<p>Pinkdillo, I love "I Heart Huckabees" too! No one else seems to. What's wrong with the world? Oh yeah and for me, there are two categories of schools: Brown and everything else.</p>
<p>i loved that movie as well... but you're right. so many people didnt like it. its weirrrd</p>
<p>wow....I love how random boards come back...especially good ones! So, yea...Brown is absolutely amAzing...</p>
<p>do any of you guys know what you want your concentration to be/what you want to study in general?</p>
<p>hey! you all seem so friendly and smart. brown would be lucky to have all of you as far as i can tell! fids, i also love May; fut18000, we sang o magnum mysterium this year, wow it was so beautiful! jon stewart and the OC are my favorite things on tv these days too. can't forget conan either. as far as music goes, i like coldplay, keane, anything on the garden state soundtrack (good movie too), and rap. favorite books: grapes of wrath, me talk pretty one day. academic interests:i like math a lot, but i'm also interested in music, philosophy, psychology, economics, heck even chemistry. it's nice to meet you 2010ers(?)!</p>
<p>i forgot to mention up there that i'm a girl (sneakypete is just a random nickname), although it's probably obvious by the number of exclamation marks. this isn't important/relative at all, but does anyone else here watch arrested development? it's the greatest, don't know how i forgot about it! anyway, i hope someone posts here soon; i don't want to be a thread killer. go brown and ps pinkdillo, sarcasm is always appreciated.</p>