B's and MD Programs.

<p>Hey guys</p>

<p>Ok, I may recieve a few B's this semester. It will be my very first Bs EVER, and I am quite unhappy about that.</p>

<p>What are the chances of me getting into an MD program, such as Wayne state, University of Pitts, Penn State, Nuecom, something with those B's on there? Does it really matter? Please note, my school doesn't weight the GPA's.</p>

<p>BTW, expected ACT score is like a 32-33, and I'll have lots of Medical EC's, leadership, normal EC's, etc.</p>


<p>What is your UW GPA?</p>

<p>I think it’ll be 3.8. This is my first semester of Sophmore year, got a 4.0 freshman year, so it will probably go up.</p>

<p>I know i’m wierd for thinking ahead so far, but will not having that perfect 4.0 hit me hard?</p>

<p>Btw, my course load is the hardest it can get. 4 AP’s barring the one spanish class where it is not offered. Basically the hardest options available.
Schedule - </p>

<p>AP Stats
AP Chem
AP Bio
AP US History
Spanish 2</p>

<p>Btw, my course load is the hardest it can get. 4 AP’s barring the one spanish class where it is not offered. Basically the hardest options available.
Schedule - </p>

<p>AP Stats
AP Chem
AP Bio
AP US History
Spanish 2</p>

<p>that is a SICK schedule for a sophmore…i commend you for being able to handle that</p>

<p>I hate the B’s though, really do. I haven’t even had many B’s on assignments before this! :(</p>

<p>Praying for a 110 on the Chem final, don’t think I got more then a 102…</p>

<p>I agree. 3.8 GPA with a tough schedule is commendable.
However, do bear in mind that to get your foot in the door, GPA numbers do count…so, in a way, you do need to manage this numbers game.</p>

<p>And also remember that as you progress through the year, the course content is only going to get more complex. Therefore, figure out why you are getting B’s… do you need to spend more time studying, are you having trouble understanding complete content of your AP courses? Try to meet with your teachers in office hours. Show your dedication.
Cut down on ECs during school months, perhaps. Try to keep all your ECs for the following Summer. </p>

<p>It’s great that you have gone above and beyond, however, do not let it be at the cost of your GPA. </p>

<p>With focused studying and thoroughness, you can still do it! You still have time to make corrections/adjustments. Good luck!</p>

<p>Up to What GPA will these colleges look at? My biggest fear is that if I end with a 3.9, 33 ACT, etc, they won’t even bother looking at my EC’s which i’ve built. Rather that guy who got a 4.0 and a 34 but with fewer EC’s might actually get in ahead of me. Any thoughts on this?</p>

<p>Another thought, I know plenty of college books say that its better to get a B in a hard course then an A in an easier one…is this actually true?</p>

<p>In regard to NEOUCOM, are you in OH. If not, do not apply, they allow very few spots for OOS.</p>

MiamiDAP makes an excellent point. Do NOT rule out the combined degree programs within your own state. Over and above applying within your state, it’s advisable to apply to 5-6 other programs too.</p>

<p>Pay close attention to their deadlines. Villanova and Lehigh have very early deadlines (Nov as I recall).</p>

<li>8 to 3.9 will put you in a good position.</li>


You need to calm down. Seriously, no such thing as you describe would happen. Your application will be viewed holistically. A 3.9 vs. a 4.0 is not at all a big deal nor is a 33 vs. 34. Both applicants would likely be looked at as equals in terms on numerical stats and EC would be the tie breaker.</p>

<p>A B here and there won’t kill you. Just focus on doing better next time. You will likely get another B somewhere down the line, but, again, it won’t kill you. Obviously A’s are preferable, but this is not make or break. Calm down.</p>

<p>Also, you are looking at this stuff way too early. Your goals can change a lot through HS, so don’t get too hung up on programs.</p>

<p>While Neoucom is extremely competitive for out of staters do not rule out applying there. My two OOS children got offers there, one a few weeks ago. If you don’t apply you can’t get in.</p>

<p>I’m in Michigan, and the only MD program here is WSU. I don’t really like it either, if MSU stayed i’d be going there.</p>

<p>A B will not be a huge deal sophmore year with that course load</p>

<p>i don’t think Wayne State will be a problem for you- NEUCOM might be only because you are out of state, but i cant say about the others</p>

<p>I really do have to say that it is a bit early to be worrying about grades. To see the whole picture, you need to have junior year grades and test scores. If you have phenomenal, or even just very good test scores, even a low B might not be a problem in any of the programs. But right now, all i can say is to just chill and wait until next year before you start worrying.</p>

<p>How about applying to Toledo, if you are in Michigan, it is practically right on a border. Toledo has 2 bs/md programs. Definately, apply to MSU.</p>

<p>I thought the program was removed from MSU?</p>

<p>^Yes, it is gone. Looks like they are making something new though that may be available in the near future.</p>

<p>[MD</a> Medical Scholars Program](<a href=“http://mdadmissions.msu.edu/main/msapplication.htm]MD”>http://mdadmissions.msu.edu/main/msapplication.htm)</p>

<p>Yeah, but you have to be an undergraduate student at MSU to apply. And I don’t want to risk going to just regular MSU for an offshoot chance.</p>


<p>Sorry if I seem like some sort of wierdo, but I need some reasurrance/advice. </p>

<p>I calc’d it out, and the highest GPA I can get is a 3.81 :(. My school doesn’t weight our GPA, unfortunately. Is this good enough? I am VERY interested in the DO Program at Michigan State, and the Wayne State University Medstart program. I have about 4 other kids in my grade who are going to be applying to these places who currently have 4.0’s. Presuming they keep their GPA intact through the years, how much more ‘preference’ will they get?</p>

<p>Btw, I’m a junior.</p>